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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Yes, I have a cat tail on it. Is that a bad thing for this scope? It is much easier to use with the tail.
  2. What is the knuckle trick? I do have a month and a pile of ammo.
  3. Well, I decided to get a rifle together to shoot a match (been way too long) and my Meopta 1-4 decide it doesn't want to turn past 1.25 power, and this morning I could crank it to 4 with no problems. This is a new scope with only a few hundred rounds under it. I took the screw in the adjustment ring and see how it works, but am stumped on how why it would seize up. Any one have any thoughts. I might have enough time to send it in for warranty, but I do want to have a chance to shoot the dang thing before the match. I have a Trijicon TA01 I could use, but not many folks seem to like the fixed 4 for three gun, and I haven't shot enough 3 gun to have an opinion. Any help or input would be appreciated.
  4. "Spirit of the Game" penalties should be left to subjective sports IMO... You will always have complainers, but if the majority of your customers (shooters) have issues with the scoring, it would be wise to listen and seek their input. I've seen many a match ruined by something a stage designer does to just to "challenge" shooters, and just ends up frustrating a large majority of shooters. Maybe 2 plates at 300 yards versus 4 could make it more fun for folks who can't hit 300 yard targets and have more balance.
  5. Reminds me of a poster someone made of a barrel I got from a customer who thought he might have messed up his barrel trying to fit it.
  6. If you need a new wrench drop me a note with your address and I can send you a new Dawson wrench and throw a handle on it for you for better leverage. If you have their tool (not stripped), you can use a crescent wrench to get some leverage on it and put lots of down pressure to prevent it from slipping after burning out the loctite.
  7. From the reports on the radio from people who were watching as the building exploded, a lot of the employees were standing near the building when it went boom, so it is pretty amazing no one was injured. Apparently to roof went 20+ feet in the air and then floated back down. I know old man Nosler a little bit and he is a great guy. I'm sure they will do everything they can to get their folks back to work and meet their commitments.
  8. Well, a major part of the building is GONE, so I think there may be some delays.
  9. Best thing to do IMO is to give Brian Enos a call and then you can get your questions answered and order placed with one call I went with the 1050 for .223 because it will swage the primer pocket. I will admit I'm also a huge fan of priming on the down stroke also, and my elbows only have so much left in them that I would rather save for shooting and not loading ammo.
  10. I had success killing one with WD40 in a customer's rifle who ripped of the rim of a shell and then tried to pound it out from the bore (which only knocks the bullet into the case ) I soaked it over night before extracting the case. After emptying the powder, I could not set off the primer by striking it.
  11. Story here Thankfully no one was seriously injured. I had planned to go get some .22 bullets tonight too since I found out my new 1050 in .223 from Brian will be here tomorrow Hopefully they have good insurance.
  12. Laughed real hard. I would have soaked it and tapped it out, just like you did.
  13. my problem is i want something that is both legal for uspsa production and esp/ssp in idpa Regardless of modifications the XDm will never be legal for IDPA SSP since it's a single action. Not single action, striker fired, just like the M&P and Glock. All it would take is for IDPA to decide to admit it is a service pistol to classify it as SSP legal, as they can do whatever they want. The Pistol gear slide release is not Production legal and unless SA puts it in the factory catalog, it will not become so, as that is the USPSA rule.
  14. If it's who I think it was----I was the RO. It happens. Swung back on a target that wa visible but WELL behind the 180. Just for a moment, no shot fired, and he knew what he had done when I hollered Stop. I think he took it better than me, I just hate to DQ shooters, expecially new ones. Hope he comes back, seemed like a nice guy. He'll be back and he said he knew what he did, so those are both good things.
  15. A friend of mine in his first IPSC match got a DQ there also and it was his first stage, first match.
  16. We do Class III Hard anodizing with Teflon.
  17. The coating absorbs oil, so it will prevent corrosion very, very well, if you keep it looking black. If it loses the dark color, it can use some oil. If you see standing oil, it is more than you need. I'm anti-slather, as standing lubricant just collects crap.
  18. Epoxy and aluminum oxide, much better than the tape.
  19. I'm using Metalform mags and Dawson's 10 rounds and they both work great, but I did have to smooth out the mag well a bit as the one I'm shooting wasn't super smooth. That was no big deal as a fixed it up any way. Some times the park finish can make things stick. You can pop the slide off and yank the mag catch out and it is very simple to slick up the inside of the magazine channel without much work if you don't want to do a full break down.
  20. Yes, they are 140mm legal.
  21. LOL, I hear where you are coming from. I break down shooting into the parts and pieces and measure them, so I see how my initial impression of the words written had a different value to me. Sort of like on Myth Busters when they break down things with the high speed camera to separate actions/events. I've assumed for a long time that the draw could be done in .4-.5 if you were just measuring the actual draw and not the reaction to visual or auditory stimuli and the draw.
  22. I interpreted what he was saying differently than what you did, but I concur, sub 1 or .75 would be more achievable. A sub 1 isn't that "amazing" and .75 (three quarters) is just an awkward title, so as a writer you can appreciate that a half second sounds cool If he's seen folks do it, I'm not one to disagree with the possibility of it being able to be done from HaS, as I've been pretty close myself once upon a time and there are some fast folks out there.
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