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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I think there is a BIG difference between the scenario presented and your examples. In your examples the shooter made a shooting error on targets that could possibly have been shot from the position. Had the wall in the presented scenario actually gone from the ground to the moon and been hard cover, the shooter could not have ever seen the target from the position and could not possibly gotten hits on anything except hard cover. Had the shooter known the rules, he would have not taken the shot, and most likely they will not do so in the future. 40 ( 30 penalty and 10 lost from shooting the target)points dropped tends to make people remember simple rules like not shooting through snow fencing because they see the target or under and over walls. This is IPSC shooting 101, no shooting through fences, over or under walls unless it is designated a port or soft cover, and I was told that at my first match, literally. I guess I could ask what the call would be if someone punched a hole in hard cover and shot at a target through this hole at a target they couldn't see otherwise, because by shooting under the wall, this is what this shooter really did.
  2. Joe, according to the rulebook those holes do not exist if you shoot over or under a wall that is not a shooting port or designated soft cover. Are you saying that you could run to the end of a stage skipping whatever targets you wish and fire rounds to satisfy the "at" requirement? If you say you can shoot "at" a target that can not possibly be engaged from where you fired the shots, how can the shot be fired "at" the target according to the rule that walls extend from the ground to infinity and are not penetrable? Think about it.
  3. It greatly reduces wear and tear on my hand, and that alone is worth it.
  4. Rob, call me when you get a chance.
  5. Yes, it has very fine adjustment and hash marks to keep track of your setting. It is a good sight picture in the rear sight for me, the front sight is too wide, but the video shows that it does work. I was very short on time, so I just got it on the plate and shot a few groups. I swapped the stock trigger to a frame with a trigger job already on it and made the needed changes in the slide to make it work, but once it had a trigger more like the 1911 I've been shooting, it was like shooting guided rounds, as it just worked for me. I wish I had more time, but I only found out late yesterday it was showing up today. I'm looking forward to putting my new front sight on and a real trigger job on it.
  6. The rear sight is nice, I will be putting on a thinner front sight.
  7. OK, now I know for certain, Rob isn't yanking anyone's chain. If they all shoot like the one I have, this IS a game changer. I won't post my results until I can back it up with the video we shot, but to say was a little skeptical before I shot it, not now, not one bit. I did use our trigger job and stippling, but this gun flat out shoots, even with the fat front sight. Here you go I'll let the video do the rest of the talking.
  8. Hard cover is impenetrable, regardless of the actual material (or lack of) so if there are hit on the cover under a wall, the hits don't exists. That's my understanding anyway.
  9. Cha, Can you engage a target that is not visible behind two stacked barrels if you just shoot at the barrels?
  10. The difference is they were "shooting through the wall" even if it wasn't there. That is no little difference, and FTE 2 Mikes, since I don't think that you can "engage" a target through hard cover.
  11. Sweet, I'm head to the range as soon as the wife is done working out since I got a special delivery today. I won't have my .100 front sights until Tuesday though. I have a long match XDM barrel I'll fit on to see how the stock one stacks up. The stock one seems to be a pretty good fit though.
  12. Looky what the UPS man brought today. More photos here
  13. Because you can shoot .15-.2's shooting major. You need to shoot .1-.15 shooting minor to make up 1 second on a 20 round stage.
  14. We have a lighter sear and sear spring, but there isn't much pull weight to be gained there though for the cost to do so. The amount you can lighten the striker and lengthen it has it's limitations and payback is negligible when reliability is number 1. We do have a reduced power striker spring that can be used with Federal primers. Given we can get real light triggers with the stock striker spring, that isn't huge either for pull weight. Good thoughts though.
  15. We've had these out for many years. In talking with Rob, he want us to provide number for the various results of the increments of upgrades we offer, from simple spring swaps to the full blown trigger packages, and since that is a lot of combinations, we are working our way through it. Good news is I should have a 5.25 on Friday so I can verify the 5.25 is the same as the 4.5 from the chamber rearward. Front sights in several widths and types are on order already. We will be posting videos and photos on our facebook page Springer Precsion facebook since keeping track of all the forums is hard to do, we decided to deposit all our photos and videos there to make things easy to find.
  16. You can over think anything. If you can shoot better with your left hand because your right hand is injured, then what the heck, then it is obvious you are more competitive with the hand that works better. I don't get why handing would "handicap" you. I shot for a whole year shooting left handed because I didn't know better and some guy who was better than me said I needed to shoot left handed because my left eye is slightly more dominant and I believed him. I switch to my right hand and non dominant eye and shot better, oh well, do what works best for you, handing won't stop you from winning if you do the work needed to win.
  17. Practice enough that you know what you are doing and you can trust your skills.
  18. Yes, there are more than the 2 I know I'm sure.
  19. Rob, if you were referring to my comments it's Scott I know it is hot down there in the sun burning thousands of rounds Since we are already a bit far afield, I'll throw this out there. Having done several thousand trigger jobs in our shop and fielding the associated phone calls and e-mails and getting that feedback, I think that putting a scale on a trigger and pulling it to measure it only tells a part of the story on the true pull weight and feel. Triggers like the XDm that are a lever trigger versus a push type trigger in the 1911 will measure out differently because of mechanical advantage. I don't have fat fingers and I pull the trigger on a XDm from the tip of the trigger, so I gain 1-1.75 pounds of mechanical advantage over pulling it in the top to center of the trigger. So take the really curved trigger on a CZ75 and a straight trigger on the Glock and you will have different result in scale weight versus actual weight. The size and shape of your finger can also affect how you can place your finger on the trigger and the real weight it will take to break the shot. Our biggest request with the XDm is to "make it more like my 1911" and that can be done, and I'm thankful so, because it affords me the chance to do what I love for a living and helped us expand into the other parts of our business. Like stated above the Glock and other polymer platforms can be shot very well, and it is just a matter of technique changes. when I shoot a Glock, I roll my shoulders forward and shoot it like a revolver and it works just fine. Since I prefer the 1911 (having the most ground work on that platform) I like that I can prep the trigger with the XDm because it make me feel better about my shot calling. It dose not hurt that whoever they used as a hand model much have similar hand to me, because the fit is perfect for my hand size. I am very thankful that Springfield puts out such consistent, reliable, quality XDm products. Yes, we'll see a few of this new model through the shop, but I don't let that form my opinions on whether or not I like a product. The good thing about today's pistol market is that there are a lot of good guns out there, and I'm grateful everyday that people pay me to take a good gun and make it better.
  20. I'm not sure how many "drop in" M&P triggers you have done, but to get a real good trigger, you have to do more than just drop in the parts, and there are price comparable trigger parts for the XD/XDM also, so your points of easier sights to change and cheaper trigger parts don't add up for the experience that I have in working on both platforms. I'm pretty sure SA will sell a custom shop version with whatever options you could want. We sell pistols fully upgraded and Rich does also.
  21. You really like the hinge trigger of the M&P? Ok, there are cheap trigger upgrades for the XDM and more expensive ones. The sight on the XDm are no harder to swap than the M&P and you don't have to remove the rear sight to work on the fire control either. Given 80% of the XD work we do is non competition shooter market and that we work on Glocks and M&P also I disagree with most of what you posted. Having been approached by several different people who want to manufacture a 5"+ slide for the XDM, I'm very glad SA is coming out with a factory version, as there is a demand for it and the price will be better. I like the adjustable sight, as it will be great for people who want a low profile sight good quality sight, and it won't be hard to make other sight options. I for one think it is a winner, the only thing I'm bummed about is having to wait to by a pile of them.
  22. FO and tritum sights will the first things in the cue once we can get one. This will be a better/cheaper base gun for the 6" XDM too
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