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Everything posted by matt2ace

  1. I used to frequent a shop were I encountered many similar people and comments from this thread. I will never forget one comment by the shop owner.........."Just etch TACTICAL, SPECIAL OPS, or something similar on the slide of the cheapest built gun around and I will sell 10 for every well build, quality gun I sell". I watched him sell several very cheaply build 45s to mall-ninja types just because the slide had 'Special Ops' etched on it. He would even tell them and show them better quality 45s (Kimber, etc.) without success.
  2. +1 Same problem here only I have 3x140 and 1x170 that stopped dropping free. They worked perfectly for many months and then gradually, over 3-4 weeks, they stopped dropping free. I discovered that the bodies had buldged out slightly causing them to stick. My HSmith tuned mags never have this problem. I am going to try and tune my SPS mags when I have some time.
  3. Silhoutte is the only powder I have used for my new Natale built 9 major. Almost 3000 rounds through it and I never found Silouette to be too dirty. Its not the cleanest powder, but no heavy buidup in the comp, atleast in my experience.
  4. 7.6gr Silhouette, 124gr CMJ, 1.185OAL, Wolf SP (or SRP) primers 171PF with consistently low SD
  5. Could not have said it better..........
  6. I have shot black and grey with no difference visually. I like the look of the blue, but it was out of stock the last time I purchased one from SC.
  7. 124 CMJ work very well for me in both my 9mm major guns. No exposed lead means less build up in comp.
  8. You can get 24 rounds of 40 using a Taylor-Freelance +8 extension and an Arrendono follower. I have 1 or 2 extra extensions....pm me if you are interested. I had good success with Power Pistol pushing a 180gr MGD CMJ bullet.
  9. +1 I have a spent a lot of time recently running silhouette loads through several different chronos. I found the most consistent results for SD and ES with same headstamp brass. SD and ES can be more than 2X higher with mixed headstamp batches. I don't sort my brass for monthly matches and practice, but always do it for major matches. I have run the chrono at A7 matches in the past and observed people going minor due to high ES values. It convinced me to sort my brass for matches where I will have to visit the chrono.
  10. Never used anything but a 4 min Dot for any of my open gun optics. I have C-more on my STI guns using Barry mounts (got a Quinn for my next gun) and used 4 min when I had Dr and JPoint (actually 3.5min) sights on my open Glocks. 6 min dots are OK for me, but I notice the larger size. I have shot guns with 8 and 12 min dots which seem HUGE to my eyes. IMHO, whatever works best for each shooter is all that matters.
  11. +1 on Gary and his work. Easy guy to work with and he can make a 9major open run. +2 Sending the parts for a 2nd build to Gary in the next couple of weeks! I have shot 6 matches and 1500+ rounds in the 2 months since I got my first Gans gun (S38 on Gans website). The gun has never failed me. Cost is easily 20% less than many of the more popular guns out there. PM me and I will send you a parts list that came right from discussions with Gary.
  12. As the RO, you suspected that there was a safety problem......you made the right call no matter what the outcome.
  13. +1 I had a similar situation as an RO when the shooter realized that he had empty mags on his belt. He asked to go back and get his loaded mags. I made him unload and show clear and moved him down in the shooting order.
  14. Yes.....I watched it happen at a match last year to a friend shooting an all stainless 9mm Springfield. The slide just stopped cycling due to galling. After refitting and plating the slide, the problem never occured again.
  15. Something like this? I might have the complete 9mm upper for sale soon.......... I love the setup, but found a full length open gun works better for me. I am using the frame for a second full length build. The gun was built by Errol Lawson (Keal).
  16. $20 from Speed Shooters International http://www.speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?ID=LM1
  17. I had just the opposite situation, but the same results. I was dry-fire practicing in my basement and the location of some lights resulted in flares during practice. The shield completely eliminated the problem. I would not own a C-more without one at this point.
  18. matt2ace

    Glock Carbine

    I have owned a Mech-Tech for Glock in 40 for several years. Very reliable and accurate in 40 using a tube style red-dot scope. The only time I ever had a problem was with reloaded ammo that I did not chamber check. The chamber was pretty tight in the Mech-Tech which cause some reloads to jam in the chamber leaving the gun out of full battery. Once I started chamber checking the ammo, flawless operation. Factory ammo never has a single problem. I have extended mags (Taylor-Freelance) that hold 24/25 and 3 of the 29 round aftermarket mags.
  19. Once I learned to quiet my inner voice, the silence lead to better stages........ For me, the inner dialog only occurs after the stage is completed. I find that I can run through the entire stage like it was movie and see virtually everything I did right and wrong. Many times, when I have had a miss, I can run through the stage in my mind and realize just where I pulled off a target too fast or even broke a shot when hard-cover was in the sight. I recently had a stage where I had to do an unplanned reload.....fumbled a mag, grab another, reloaded, and racked the slide ejecting a loaded round . I simply reacted to the situation during the stage, no voices telling me a thing. AFTER I finished, my inner voice kept saying....What the @#$@#$!! did you just do on that reload? Why the @#$@#!! did you rack the slide when you knew there was a loaded round chambered? I laughed it off and went on the next stage, there was no point in argueing with myself, I never win
  20. First match of the season at DCPA (southern NY state) and we had 63 shooters an all time record. We normally average about 35 shooters.
  21. I agree that the stages should all be challenging, but allow for all levels of skill to have fun. A good monthly match should also mix long, med, and short stages. I try to shoot for a per stage average of 20-22 rounds (6 stage match at 120-130 total shots). I tend to design my stages with no more than one mover and focus more on transitions using steel, HC and NS. Putting multiples movers on one stage is fine, but having movers on every stage tends to discourage some shooters. It's OK to have a 'hoser stage' once it while too. One thing I have found using HC is to make the amount of HC on a target inverse to the distance from the shooter. Very close targets with a lot of HC and longer distance with less. It's the fact that the target has HC on it that creates the mental challenge for many shooters. For newer shooters, putting a close target with a lot of HC challenges them to slow-down and be accurate whereas the high-skill shooters work to be accurate at speed. I tend to use movers to drive problem solving skills.....placing the targets to give shooters multiple transition options for shooting it fast. A close in drop-turner with hard-cover (scoring zone down the middle) can be very challenging to all skill levels.
  22. +1 I have no objection to the 5 minute rule. Allowing the lead-off and on-deck shooters to walk-through first should be part of the process (IMHO). However, when your running your walk-through 'upstream' against all those righties, it can be pretty tough. You do learn to live with it as part of the challenge.
  23. +1 I have gotten pretty good at adjusting both screws to get vertical or horizontal adjustments, but it does tend to take more shots to sight these in. I am going to try the 'angle' technique next time I need to sight mine in.
  24. Yup......holsters on the wrong side, guns in the wrong hand. Atleast that's what most ROs tell me Actually, that's a *thumb rest [generic]*.....cause its on the right-side of the gun. Since righties have them on the left-side of the gun, they must be brake pedals
  25. matt2ace

    Airsoft pistol

    I know of several people who use them for practice in open, limited and L10.
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