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Everything posted by tgibson

  1. I was actually having a discussion about this with one of my buddies just the other day. We have what we call Grandbaggers at our club. They are guys that will find out which classifier is going to be at the next club match and then practice it over and over. Then, if they don't feel like they shot it well enough, they will pay another two or three bucks and shoot it again! Here are my two trains of thought: 1. Who cares if you are a Master class shooter if you are getting your a$$ handed to you by a bunch of B class shooters? 2. The classification system ONLY tests the shooters ability. It does not test the shooters stage tactics, movement ability, "gamability", etc. I have no problem with this because I have been to a bunch of matches where I was the B shooter whippin' up on the M shooters. I can also honestly say and swear on a stack of bibles that I have never tanked a classifier on purpouse. I try to shoot all of them just like I shoot the rest of the match that day. This way, my classification is a true indication of my ability. This was verified when Manny Bragg came and did a class and taught a class at our local club. I think I shot about a 72% or 73% of his overall match score. At that time I was a High B class shooter. I thought that was right about where I should be. The same thing happened at the A1 match last year. My $.02 TG
  2. I had a pair of the nikes, but I went to the Adidas and like them much better. Especially for all day wear. TG
  3. Mine was almost a "matrixesque" moment. I was shooting bill drills out behind the shop, and doing it pretty quickly too I might add. While I was shooting, I could see all of the brass out of the corner of my eye just sort of sitting there suspended in mid-air. It was at this point that I realized that my perception of speed while shooting is so warped I can not worry about trying to shoot fast. I just need to worry about getting the sight picture I need to pull the trigger and then do so. My body will automatically go fast. Man that was a sweet moment!!! TG
  4. 2.9.08 Didn't get to put a steel match together today, but I was able to get a little practice in. I went out with a fairly new shooter and showed him a couple of things that I think are important to me, which made me think about them some more. This was good. The other thing that I worked on was my shooting on the move. I feel like this was one of my weak points and today really helped with that. I was able to move pretty quick and get some great hits at a fairly fast rate. Today was a huge confidence builder. Now I am not quite so worried about shooting on the move because I know I can get good hits and move quickly at the same time. There is a USPSA match next weekend, and the things I am going to work on are shooting while moving and not dropping any points. We'll see how things go. The things I am going to practice this week for my 3gun are shotgun reloads. Adios, TG
  5. The .22 conversion kits are done by an outfit called Tactical Solutions in Boise, ID. http://tacticalsol.com/store/pc/home.asp I am not sure how to make the cool links, but if you cut and paste this should work. They also have the conversion kits for your AR's TG
  6. Did we ever decide what was going on with the dates for this match, or am I just looking in the wrong place? Thanks. TG
  7. 1.28.08 Iwas actually going to do this at the beginning of last summer, but things were busy so I decided not to. At this point in time, after some of the reading I have done, it has become clear to me that writing down your goals as well as progression is important even if you don't go back and read the comments you made. Part of what prompted me to do this is that I finally realized if I put some serious effort into this I just might turn out to be a fairly decent shooter. It took me two years but it became clear....finally. I will start out by putting down a couple of goals I came up with a couple of weeks ago and I will also track my finishes in both weekly club matches and larger matches. By the way, this is going to be for both 3 gun and pistol. Here goes! Match Goals: SMM 3 gun - finish in the top 25% HUGE equipment issues. Made top 33%. Other than that, I shot alright. Glock match- top 5 finish Not even close. Ended up 12th overall. Might of had something to do with working all day the day before setting up. YEA THAT IS AN EXCUSE!! WHAT OF IT?? Ephreta, WA 3 gun put on by Carl Carbon and Pat Kelly - Top 10 finish I think I finished 8th here. Idaho SpudGun match-Top 3 A shooters This match was canceled. Finished 7th at PK's SC match. Elko, NV Ruby Mtn. 3 gun-top 5 I think I finished 3rd in Scoped Tactical here, but I was WAAAYY off the pace. Area 1-top 3 A shooters A1 multi-gun - top 5 MGM Ironman - Have a good attitude and finish in the top 20 Idaho State handgun Championships - 1st or 2nd A Idaho State IDPA match - Top ESP Expert One I didn't know about when I started this thread was the Nationals. I didn't know I was going so I didn't put it in here. Because I have never been to one before, I have no idea what to expect. I am not going to put a finish goal on this match. What I will do is try to meet some of the goals listed below. Such as: If things go haywire on a stage, don't let it affect the rest of the match, and Shoot my own match. Every time I start to mess up a match, my old man tells me this. When I take his advice, things ALWAYS get better. Thanks Pops! General Goals: Make master by the end of the summer Dry fire at least one hour per week Shoot 1 match per week 1 live fire practice session per week If things go haywire on a stage, don't let it affect the rest of the match Shoot my own match every single time Set a goal to achieve at every club match Almost achieved first match goal of shooting down zero at an IDPA match. I was down two. I won three out of the four stages and my theory that accuracy is better than speed was confirmed. The one stage I didn't win, I was behind first place by less than a second. If I would have shot down zero on that stage I would have won that stage too. Oh well! I am happy with my performance. The next week is going to be very busy. Going to the SHOT show and have plans every night. I am going to take my gear, but don't expect to get any practice in. I think I am going to get together with a couple of guys on the 9th and put a quick steel match together. Adios, TG
  8. This may be echoing what has already been said, but here it goes in my own words. I have the same thought process with my shooting gear as I did with my moto-x bike. I ask myself, "Am I ever going to use this piece of equipment to it's full potential?" Maybe not, but on that rare instance when it might make a difference, I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Putting this into the pistol shooting world, when I am shooting at a 35y target and get an A that is 1/2" from the A/C line, I know that with my SV, that is exactly where I was aiming the gun when I released the trigger. With my Glock, it is a 50/50 chance it would have been a C. Just so everyone knows, I shot a $900 box stock P16 until I decided I was going to take this game fairly seriously. Still use the Para for IDPA and was only down 2 at the match yesterday. Pretty happy with it's/my performance! TG
  9. This isn't a plug honest to goodness! It just has all of the information you need if you are going to buy your own steel. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at the shop. I have no poblem helping you out weather you buy anything from us or not. Below is a portion of the FAQ's from our web site. What are your targets made of? All our targets are made of 500 brinell steel, which is the same hardness as Armor Plate. AR 500 is comparable to roughly a 52 on the Rockwell C scale, which is also about the same hardness as a good knife blade. In addition to the chemical composition of the steel, a “quench and temper” process at the steel mill further enhances the steel hardness and toughness. In comparison, your car is made of mild steel, about 135 Brinell, and T-1, (the old steel for targets) is about a 235 hardness. AR500 can withstand literally thousands of rounds from reasonable distances without significant damage. TG
  10. I just got pair and I love them. I have the digital ones and they are loud enough I have never turned them up even 1/8 of the way. They are very comfortable, and I even sometimes forget that I have them in when I leave the range. I think they do a great job protecting against the noise. In fact, the first place I test drove mine was at a live fire shoot house with a covering over it. We did everything from pistols to carbines, to flash bangs, and they worked great. I still feel like I want to double plug, but that is just because I want to make sure I am not deaf in a couple of years...not because I feel like the plugs don't do a good job. The only advice I would give you is to make sure they get the molds VERY deep in your ears. The deeper they are the better job they will do. After you get them, take the batteries out after every use, and make sure they stay clean. They say that the biggest cause of malfunction is ear wax. Nice huh? Hope this helps. TG
  11. If you are going to use what you have, I would suggest getting rid of the C-More and shooting either limited or HM, depending on what you have for a pistol and a rifle. The reason I say this is because unless you practice A LOT with the pump, you are going to be a bit slower than the majority of the SG shooters. With that being said, if you can get some speed loaders to work reliably, you really wont be that bad off even with a pump. If you are going to get a new SG and shoot limited or Scoped Tactical, I don't think the FN semi-auto is a bad way to go. I have one that has worked good so far, and have been told that they are basically the same as an X2. I haven't shot enough Open to give an intelligent opinion there. Good luck, TG
  12. So not only does the frame not work with aftermarket barells but wont work with the most common .40 caliber round. And if the part breaks it's $125.00 to replace it. Sounds like a great product. That is sort of what I was thinking! I just got one for my 17L with "fluffy" loads, so I hope it doesn't break right away. I am using all stock parts in it though, so if it does break, I am going to squeal like a pig going down a waterslide!! TG
  13. I have shot my Glocks with and without grip tape and I'll tell you that I put it anywhere skin meets plastic. I even have some up on the slide to aid in a quick rack. If I could only put tape in one place, shooting right handed, it would be on the left side of the grip where the fat part of my thumb touches the grip. FWIW. TG
  14. Hey buddy, I am glad you will be able to make it! Mike and I will be down for the Mystery Mountain, and I'll let you know about a couple of good spots to do some fishing! Take care. TG
  15. I am only going if you PROMISE to move those damn stairs out of the way.. That hurt! See you in a few months. OOOOOKAAAAA! Man! Anything else!?!? Just teasin'!!! We are all looking forward to seeing you buddy!!! TG
  16. The match is going to be held the 12th -14th of June this year. Two full days and a half day on Saturday. We are still ironing out the details and we will get them out to you all as they come up. If you have any questions, I'll either try to answer them here, or shoot me an e mail. Looking forward to seeing everyone again! TG
  17. I don't know if you'd call it hibernation or not! I have been working my butt off since September! Glad to be back at the house for a littl while though. Oh wait...I am leaving for the SHOT show in a week. Oh well!!! Being home was nice while it lasted! TG
  18. Got the call yesterday for A1 second B limited (14th overall..yahooooo!) The funny thing was, I thought it was a joke. USPSA called and left a message and I was thinking to myself, "Why the heck is this guy calling me about a match I shot almost 6 months ago wanting to know if I am going to attend another match in another 9 months?!!?" I was pleasantly suprised. Fist area match and my first pistol Nationals! Only bad part is I am an A shooter now and only about 3% away from M. Yikes!! Oh well. You know what they say, Let er' rip 'tater chip!!! TG
  19. WAAHOOO!!! The Ironman discussions are beginning!!! 3gun season is upon us!!! +1 for the Eberlestock packs. I borrowed a Phantom last year and it was great. When you got it on, it only felt like you had about 60lbs on your back . As far as the gear that I wore while I was actually shooting, I had a 3gun Gear shot shell Chest carrier, two 3gun Gear arm bands, and 10 rounds on my gun. Can you guess who made the carriers on the gun? Thats right ...3gun Gear. My standard belt, holsters and four pistol mag pouches. For my rifle gear, I had two sets of 30 round mags cinched together. Got the Beta mag for next year though!!! Hope this helped. TG
  20. I have an Ironworker and a 10 ton Porta-Power. I am sure I will be able to get something to work! TG
  21. I've had the same thought myself. If had a good open SG, I would be ALL over that!!! TG
  22. I am on the other end of the spectrum. No matter what I do, I want people to say, "Holy Crap!!! Did you see that guy?!?!" This could be followed by two things: 1. Dropped jaws and everyone saying, "That was cool!!! I need to try that!!" or 2. Uncontrolled, sidesplitting, gutbusting laughing I would like to think it was the first one, but most of the time it is number 2!!! Yea, that was a joke....a number 2! Get it!?! Number 2!?! HA!! Sorry for the 10 year old humer but I couldn't help myself! Really though, I saw Angus do this and I loved it. I practiced it and that is my new way to do it. Especially if you don't have a huge magwell! TG
  23. I am reading all of these posts, and it seems to me that if any of these problems were the cause, all of the rest of my mags would be sticking too. Is this the case or am I missing something? The other six mags drop out slick as a whistle. TG
  24. Sounds pretty worn out to me. I'll give you a hundred bucks cash and that is my final offer! TG
  25. That is how I got here in the first place!! I was using my old motto...If it don't fit force it!!! However, I didn't use that one until my first motto didn't work.. More force, less finess!! (Sp?) But even that one came after, "If it don't fit, you aint pushin' hard enough!!" Your right.... hand me my 12lb. doublejack and 9" ginder..we'll git er done!!!! TG
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