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Everything posted by tgibson

  1. The USPSA matches at the two of the three local clubs are $10, and one of the clubs is $7. The practice steel matches are $10 and $5, and the two IDPA matches are $10. If we drive over the boarder to OR, the price goes up to $15. Pretty darn cheap and the funny thing about it is that the club that costs the least has some of the best stages!! TG
  2. I am glad you guys are enjoying it! I am a little less than half way through the stage descriptions so far. We are getting some great feedback from the sponsors! Should be another great year. Adios, TG
  3. Open up a cheaper than dirt catalog...mall ninja heaven. Edited to add: I think I am going to go home and count how many times the word "tactical" is used in the catalog. That might take a while!!! I they would call that a "tactical magazine" if they could!! TG
  4. I looked at this thread for twenty minutes and finally couldn't help myself!! I just had to post!! I'm only at about 83.6% in limited so I didn't vote but I use TG. Adios, TG
  5. NIIIIICE!!!! Adios, TG
  6. Where is your post count Nemo??? There now you have a reason to get it. Personally, I would start a thread in the "What I like" for that one!!!! TG
  7. As many of you know, Cav Arms has been our faithful match sponsor for as many years as I have been involved with this match (at least the last four). Because of the recent issues that have fallen on them, unfortunately they will not be able to sponsor the match this year. On a much lighter note, DPMS has stepped up to fill this position. If I am not mistaken they have taken over the major match sponsor position of at least two other matches that I know of, and this is number three. Whenever you get a chance, please drop Mr. Luth a note to tell him thank you for his over the top generosity and support of the shooting sports. MGM is flattered beyond words that DPMS would pick our match as one of the ones they choose to spend so much money on. Mr. Luth, Adam, Bob, and the rest of the DPMS crew, you all have my most heartfelt thanks!!!! Best regards, Travis S. Gibson
  8. Nice picture Patrick!! Who did you find to take such a great picture?!?!? Count me in on the match. This will be the first SC match I have ever shot and I am looking forward to it!! Adios, TG
  9. I saw a guy get DQ'd on the second stage of a 3 gun down in Elko, NV one time. He got pretty ignorant and he tried talking his two buddies into leaving and driving back to Utah. They said heck no so he put on his CamelBak and RAN back to the hotel which was about 10 miles from the range. We were all laughing our a$$'s off. His buddies actually turned out to be pretty good guys. STILL MAKES ME LAUGH!!!! TG
  10. Oh, no! That is bad behavioral training for an eight year old! He will continue to get DQ's! He knows now what to expect next! -And he won't get those really those nasty 180's, but 'accidently' trip, and kind of carefully, or as it says in the rules, 'firmly' put the gun on the ground! You are probably right!!! Eight years old and he is already smarter than his dad. The next ten years are going to be LOOOOOONG. TG
  11. 3.9.08 PartII A buddy of mine and I went over and shot in LaGrande, OR for their first match of the season. As usual, Dennis F. and the gang put on a great match! When I finished shooting I thought I had put in a very sub par performance. There were two stages that I missed VERY easy steel, one of which was the classifier, and there was one stage that I had a mike. My stage tactics worked out pretty good. I memorized the stages well, and when I came up with a plan, I followed it through to the end. I was happy about this. I did have a really good time too. Here are the results: Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Points Mtch% 1 F, DENNIS A Open Major N N 465.2988 100.00% 2 T, BURTON A Limited Major N N 455.9020 97.98% 3 Gibson, Travis A Limited Major N N 432.3882 92.93% 4 W, RICK B Open Major N N Senior 415.9303 89.39% 5 M, Richard M Production Minor N N 379.9688 81.66% 6 O, Gerald U Production Minor N N 376.1641 80.84% 7 F, SANDY C Open Major Y N 374.4040 80.47% 8 H, BILL A Open Major N N 368.3740 79.17% 9 H, DWIGHT A Limited Major N N Senior 364.3381 78.30% 10 R, JEFF A Limited 10 Major N N 343.3608 73.79% 11 B, ED C Open Major N N Super Senior 335.8461 72.18% 12 R, Ryan U Production Minor N N 307.9580 66.18% 13 T, Bill U Limited Major N N 306.3458 65.84% 14 M, Perry B Production Minor N N 303.1277 65.15% 15 R, Kyle B Limited 10 Major N N 296.0963 63.64% 16 T, ROBERT C Limited Major N N Senior 284.6607 61.18% 17 B, ROBERT B Open Major N N 279.6517 60.10% 18 B, Barney Production Minor N N Senior 273.3025 58.74% 19 T, GREG B Limited Major N N 270.0651 58.04% 20 R, FRED C Limited 10 Major N N Senior 267.5592 57.50% 21 M, MIKE B Limited Major N N Senior 267.0223 57.39% 22 C, Gary C Limited Major N N Senior 264.9833 56.95% 23 T, LAWERENC C Open Major N N Super Senior 255.2224 54.85% 24 C, Bill C Limited Major N N 245.0172 52.66% 25 P, Ty C Production Minor N N 240.5982 51.71% 26 L, SID C Open Major N N Senior 235.2690 50.56% 27 H, JIM U Production Minor N N Senior 234.3969 50.38% 28 P, ANDY C Limited Major N N 206.3681 44.35% 29 L, Ryan U Limited Major N N 156.4049 33.61% 30 R, Nick U Production Minor N N 147.0314 31.60% 31 M, Jordon D Limited Major N N 144.9782 31.16% 32 R, Greg U Production Minor N N 143.1337 30.76% 33 L, Andrew U Limited Minor N N 109.1846 23.47% 34 T, Dan U Limited Major N N 105.0825 22.58% 35 M, Ray U Production Minor N N 56.7904 12.21% 36 R, Kaye D Single Stack Major Y N 49.2916 10.59% 37 D, Greg U Limited Major N N 46.9355 10.09% 38 W, Becky U Open Major Y N 26.0792 5.60% I can deal with this finish I guess....No I should be happy with this! One thing I love about my lovely bride is that she gets me mellowed out sometimes. She made it perfectly clear to me that this wasn't a bad finish!!! Other than the few messups I mentioned above, another thing I was happy with both today and yesterday was that I figured out what 95% of the total points would be and then picked whichever targets I thought would be easy A's and shot fast on them. This helped a lot. I didn't worry so much about getting two real good sight pictures on these targets and just shot fast. Muscle memory must have taken over, becasue there was still a couple of stages that I shot all of the points available. I can deal with that! I think writing down my goals for each match in my journal will be a big help. We'll see next weekend. Going back to the 17L to get ready for SMM so I will need to focus on accuracy more because of the minor scoring. Talk with you later! Adios, TG
  12. 3.9.08 Part I I got home late last night and got the scores just before I went to bed and didn't feel like putting anything together for a post I really wasn't too happy with my performance at the match, but I guess everything turned out OK. I thuroghly TANKED the classifier (third from dead last in the match), had another stage with a mike, and yet another stage that was virginia count where I picked up a shot, but it turned out to be an A so I got 20 penalty points for an extra shot and an extra hit. Pretty crappy overall I thought. OH WELL!! One of the things I need to do is make sure I write in my range journal before EVERY match. I thought if I was doing it here, it would be enough, but if I write it in the journal, I can take it with me and read it just before I shoot the match. I am going to make a concerted effort to do this from now on. Here are the scores from the match on Saturday. Place Name 1 R, Carrie A Open Major Yes No 521.4693 100.000% 2 Gibson, Travis A55100 A Limited Major No No 494.6893 94.865% 3 F, Jim B Open Major No No 459.0775 88.035% 4 M, Richard M Production Minor No No 431.1862 82.687% 5 W, Dennis B Open Major No No 428.0271 82.081% 6 M, Justin A Limited 10 Major No No 410.0583 78.635% 7 B, Beau C Limited Major No No 401.8079 77.053% 8 B, Dean B Open Major No No Senior 367.1781 70.412% 9 H, Lance A Limited Major No No 364.0523 69.813% 10 R, Richard GM Limited Minor No No Senior 327.4447 62.793% 11 K, Greg U Limited Major No No 304.2527 58.345% 12 C, Gary C Limited Major No No Super Senior 300.8295 57.689% 13 E, George C Limited Major No No Senior 299.3255 57.400% 14 M, Lyle B Production Minor No No Super Senior 296.3183 56.824% 15 H, Janice C Open Major Yes No Senior 290.6284 55.733% 16 T, Tommy C Open Major No No Super Senior 273.3849 52.426% 17 H, Nick B Limited Major No No Super Senior 260.6950 49.992% 18 S, Eric U Limited 10 Major No No 259.6164 49.786% 19 M, Mike U Single Stack Major No No Senior 256.4262 49.174% 20 R, Greg U Limited 10 Major No No 161.9011 31.047% 21 E, Lori D Limited Major Yes No 161.5077 30.972% 22 M, Ray U Production Minor No No 115.2248 22.096% Part II is coming right up! Adios, TG
  13. DQing your wife is rough!!! I had to do it to my eight year old for the first time a couple of months ago. I felt pretty bad, but he got over it pretty fast...it is amazing what ice cream can do!!! TG
  14. This is a pretty nice little area. You are only about an hour from Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. The USPSA club has a pretty good turnout every month. I think between 20 and 30 shooters. A bunch of the guys from the INL shoot there. As a side note, the new Idaho section coordinater that just took over is from IF. Tim Egan is his name and he is a great guy. That is also where they have the Idaho State Handgun Championships in September. FWIW Adios, TG
  15. 3.7.08 I should be getting some sleep right now instead of typing on this stupid computer, but I can't sleep. I am ready to shoot tomorrow! As I wrote in my previous post, I am going to shoot the SV tomorrow so it will be major. My goal for tomorrow is to figure out what 95% of the points are for each stage and shoot them. I have no problem shooting that accurately. My problem is going to be figuring out which targets to speed up on and possibly take the C on. I don't know if this makes any sence or not. I am at the point now where I feel like I might be spending too much time on accuracy. I'll let it hang out a little tomorrow and see what happens. R and C are great about getting the scores out fast so I should be able to post them tomorrow PM. Adios, TG
  16. So far we have checks in the mail for five spots. These seem to be going pretty fast, so if you are interested, please let me know ASAP. Adios, TG
  17. 3.5.08 Well I haven't been doing too much dry firing with my pistol lately, but what can I say? Three gun season is coming and it is time to spread my work around a little bit. For the last week or so, I have been working on a new reloading technique for my SG. I got some quick strippers form Steve over at Progressive Machine and Tool and those things are GREAT!!! I am starting to get the hang of it now. From slide lock, I am able to load one into the chamber and eight off of my quick strippers in just under 10 seconds with pretty good consistancy (translated to read..I'm not dropping too many). I am pretty darn happy with this! SMM3 gun is in about three weeks and I want to be ready!! I am going to break out the SV this weekend for the first shoot of the year in Emmett. I love shooting there. They have great stages and even better people! On Sunday, I am going to try and make a trip over to La Grande, OR for their first match of the year. If I go over there, I am going to shoot Limited minor with the 17L. I put the stock frame back on so I am hoping that will solve the extraction problem. We'll hide and watch. I'll try to make another post with my goals for the weekend. If not, I'll be back after the match. Adios, TG
  18. We have some home made steel at one of our local clubs that have the flat bases welded onto them. What we do to prevent the backsplash is put small pieces of 1x2 on edge in front of the surface the plates are sitting on. They get knocked off every time, but we have not had anyone splashed in a long time. Adios, TG
  19. I don't remember where I read it, but the best explenation I hear was simply to hold the sights in proper alighnment on the target until the gun went off. I know this sounds pretty remedial, but when you think about it, things become a lot more simple. I quit worrieing about trigger prep so much and just concentrated on holding the sights where they needed to be. That way, no matter how hard I pulled on the trigger, the sights were still where they needed to be. Last match, I shot about 97% of the points available. While my times are a little bit slower, my points made up for it for the most part. The last critical part I would have to say is self control. If you can't make yourself slow down and shoot points, it will be very difficult for your accuracy to improve. My $.02 FWIW Adios TG
  20. Dave Neth who has won numerous 3 gun titles is going to put on another 3 gun class in Emmett, ID on the 19th and 20th of April. Last year it was 08:00 to 17:00 both days with lots of great information. The price is one of the best parts about this class!!! $250!! That right!! $250!! Emmett is about 30 minutes from Boise, ID and the range is only about 7 minutes from downtown Emmett which is pretty small but does have some lodging. The class is going to be limited to no more than 15 people and if I am not mistaken we already have about four spots filled. Please send me a PM with any questions you have. Adios, TG
  21. The plate we started testing is about a 12" square just because that is what we had. The first day we put upwards of 500 rounds of full power 9mm on it (factory HP's, BT's, etc). The second day we put about 300 rounds of full power .45 on it (same type bullets). The third day, we took it to a small match and shot it with everything from a 9mm to a .45, to 7 1/2 shot 12ga. After the match, we shot about another 500 rounds of everything from .380 to .45. Out fo the last bit, about 300 of those rounds were the full power .45. At this point, we have not had ANY fragments come back on any of the shooters, and the plate is as flat and smooth as a piece of glass....literally. I'll let you know how things go as we continue the testing. TG
  22. I am looking for Pat Kelly's web site. Does anyone have the address? I just want to go and check out some of his cool pics. TIA. TG
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