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Everything posted by tgibson

  1. I agree with you 100% Will. To my way of thinking, it is very similar to a normal USPSA match in that you know what sequence you are going to shoot the steel before you even get to the line. When I am shooting a match, I don't need a steel activator plate to be painted red to know that it activates a target. However, I am told that during the walk through and I plan on it from then on. Much like the stop plate being painted red. I don't need to be told before each string that the target with the red post is the stop plate. After I am told the first time, I plan on it from then on. It is still pretty early for me and I have no idea if this will even make sence to anyone, but it does to me so I am going to post it!! Adios, TG
  2. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any weekday matches in or around Laughlin. I am here for a conference, and just happen to have my guns with me . Adios, TG
  3. One other goal I forgot to add. READ THE FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD BEFORE EVERY MATCH! There is some good things for me to think about up there. I'll try to remember to do that from now on. Adios, TG
  4. 5.18.08 Nearly a month since my last post, and my attitude isn't much better now than it was then sorry to say. Just got done shooting PK's SC match yesterday. He and the rest of the crew did a great job! Thanks! Now for the bad news. I really sucked! That about sums it up. I have been putting on SC matches at our local club every wednesday night, so I new what was coming and unfortunately it didn't do me any good. I shot way too fast, didn't aim at all, and when I had a bad stage, I let it go right on to the next one with me. I couldn't seem to shake the bad attitude. When I finally settled down and "shot my game" as Pops would say, I think I actually ended up winning that stage (I think it was five to go). The funny thing about it is that NOTHING felt good or fast about it. On the first string, I just felt really slow. The second string I had a pretty bad jam which turned into a 6.5 second run. The last three strings were plagued with bad grips on the gun. One time the grip was so "off" I was actually worried that the gun might not cycle properly because my thumbs were pushing so hard on the slide to try and hold the gun verticle. I think my final standing was seventh in limited class. I haven't seen the final times yet, so I don't know how far off the pace I was. The other match I shot since my last post was the Ruby Mountain 3 gun. It was a good match, and I was pretty happy with my overall performance until the last stage which had some long range targets in it. When I shot the long range stage by itself, I did pretty good and was righ on time with the top finishers. I am going to contribute a lot of this to the CRAPPY prop. It was a "roof" with nothing to brace yourself on so every time you shot, the recoil would push you down little by little. Just two slick a$$ pieces of 1/2" OSB. Oh well. Looking back on both of these matches, I know exactly what my problem is. Really, I think it is two things. 1. Part of the reason for the poor performance at PK's SC match was due to shooting a gun that hasn't been out of the box for two months. I am switching back and forth from a G17L for 3gun to my SV limited gun (my baby!) for USPSA and SC matches. 2. The second reason is exactly what you would guess NO PRACTICE!! IMAGINE THAT!!! So knowing what my two problems are, what am I going to do to fix them? For starters, I am going to make it a point to get in at least one LF practice in every week. It won't have to be a ton, but just to get some rounds down range. I have an offer from a great local 3 gunner to go practice any time I want. I have been traveling solid for basically the last month, so when things settle down, I'll see what I can do to get a set schedule and start working on this. The first reason is going to be fixed by a new pistol when I can. I am going to try to find an STI in 9mm. That way, I'll have a hi-cap low recoil gun I can use for IMG rule matches as well as IDPA. My theory behind this is that I will be shooting the same grip and trigger for both disciplines. Until then, the Glock is going to get put away until next years Glock match in Emmett. I will use the SV exclusively from now on. To tell you the truth, that doesn't hurt my feelings too much. My parents gave me the 17L so it has a lot of sedimental (spelling ?) value, but I LOVE THAT SV!!! I want to give it a hug and a kiss every time I get done shooting it and tell it what a good gun it is when I put it in it's nice padded box . I am not kidding either....I LOVE THAT GUN!!! Well I feel much better now. I have identified my "issues" and I have a plan to fix them. It looks like the next big match I have is the Ironman and then the A1 pistol match. I plan on doing crappy at the Ironman just because trying to set up/work a match that size and then do any good is a pipe dream, but I'll try to have fun anyway. I am realy looking forward to the A1 match. Looks like lots of long range stuff which I feel real good about. I'll be ready!!! Adios, TG
  5. Chuck, Let me know if I can help out with any steel. Adios, TG
  6. I figured we would just START him in a wheel chair. How far can you fall out of a wheel chair!?!?! Adios, TG
  7. When you figure out who is going to be doing the scoring, let me know. We are getting the mess up we had last year fixed and I am VERY confident that things are going to go off without a hitch this year. The other thing that makes it work is good score sheets. I could send those over to you too if you'd like Tim. Thanks for all you do! Adios, TG PS Are you going to start shooting 3 gun!?!?! I'll tell you what..if you start, you won't want to stop!! TG
  8. I don't know if this is going to help or hurt, but I think you might be able to get something out of it. I am just like you. I totally beat myself up when I make the smallest little mistake. It often follows me to the next stage where I proceed to mess that one up to. I did this at the A1 match last summer. Hit a no shoot with my first round of the stage (prepped the trigger a little too much) and it went downhill fast from there. Totally crapped out on the stage. Did crappy on the next stage too. Luckily, that was my last stage of the day. I went into the rest of the match thinking that whoever I was shooting against may have messed up a stage or two as well, so I should just do the best I can. I ended up 14 in Limited class never would have guessed it. On the other hand, this weekend at the 6th annual Glock match in Emmett, ID, I had a great time. I really felt like I was shooting well and had a ball. There was one stage that I messes up pretty good, but I didn't worry about it too much. I should have because I got my ass handed to me...in a big way. I guess what I am getting at is that when I go to a big match, I need to put my game face on and treat it as such. Club matches are for having fun..big matches are for testing your skills against other good shooters you don't usually compete against. Have fun and practice your skills at club matches. When you go to the big matches, kick a$$ and take names. If you mess up, just remember that the guy or gal that you are competeing against probably didn't run every one of their stages just like they wanted to either. If you are able to get over your mess ups faster than your competitor, YOU WILL WIN!!! My $.02 for what it is worth. Hopefully you were able to get something out of this rambleing. Adios, TG
  9. We are getting ready to place the order for the plaques to be handed out to our sponsors and winners of each of the divisions. We will be offering the "Survivor" plaques again this year. If you are interested, please let me know by the end of the week. We will not be ordering any extras, so I need to know if you want one. I wasn't too involved with this last year, but this year we are going to charge $15 each. Please let me know as soon as you can. Thanks, and I'll be sending out additional updates shortly! Travis Mike Gibson Manufacturing 17891 Karcher Rd. Caldwell, ID 83607 Ph. 208-454-0555 Cell 208-869-2947 mgmtargets.com
  10. Make sure all of your buddies have entered up for the match, because we are only taking ten (10) more entries. We are about filled up! Let me know if you have any questions. Adios, TG
  11. 4.28.08 Well the 6th annual Glocks only match in Emmett, ID was yesterday. One of the goals I had when I started this thread was to finish in the top five at this match. So here is how it went. I went out Saturday to help set up and spent the majority of the day out there. By the time I left, I had a pretty good idea of what was going on with the stages, and by the time I went to sleep Saturday night, I had them ALL memorized. I am not kidding either. I had every reload down, every step, every position, and what targets I was going to shoot from each position. I am very fortunate as getting stages memorized is something that comes pretty easy to me, and I had this entire match down pat. I usually shoot with my old man when I go to big matches like this, but this time, our squad of friends and family only allowed for four other shooters. There was a lot of the MGM crew, friends and family there. I usually don't like to shoot with a bunch of people I know just because I don't have time to concentrate like I want to because of all of the jawjacking. Not that this is a bad thing, but I like to concentrate at matches that are important to me. I get to shoot and have a great time with friends almost every weekend. This time I decided to shoot with them all anyway. I had a pretty good handle on all of the stages so I figured what the heck. The match started out pretty well. I was shooting under control, making good hits, and still going pretty fast. I was happy. Even after lunch, I still felt pretty good with the exception of my bunk knee. This translates to read, I had taken five advil, four ibuprofin, and a dose of fish paralizer so the pain was pretty dull. I really bombed the last stage but I thought I could still pull a top 10 finish out. Not so much. 12th in Full size division. Here are a couple of things that really eat me up. 1. As we shot through the match, we saw several things that had changed since the walk through like no shoots being moved, no shoots being added, and targets being moved. One other thing that was sort of a pisser was that not all of the RO's were running the stages as they were instructed in the RO walk through. I would really like to elaborate on some things here, but it wouldn't do any good. 2. Another thing is that I really felt like I shot GOOD and still ended up waaay down in the scores! Usually I am disappointed with how I do overall before I see the results. I think of all the mistakes I made and how they are going to affect my overall performance. Not this time though. Other than the last stage, I shot everything just like I had planned the night before...and I shot them well. I was very pleased until I saw the scores. I looked at two stages and walked off. 3. When the final results came out, I saw that I had my a$$ handed to me by shooters that I beat on a weekly basis. I got beat by people that I honestly can not remember when the last time I didn't beat them was! The scores are supposed to be mailed out tomorrow so I will be able to anylize things a little more, but I'll tell you what...this weekend was one of the most depressing and frustrating weekends of my shooting career. I'll get back with a score anylization later. Adios, TG
  12. Glad I could do it. Sounds like the ankle is broken or sprained pretty good. You know what they say, "Bones heal, chicks dig scars, and America has the best Dr. to patient ratio in the free world....ALL OUT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO!!!" Adios, TG
  13. Thanks for posting that change Tim. How is the hoof doing? I scheduled an appointment with my surgen for my knee. This one is going to be ugly. So much for this shooting season. Adios, TG
  14. I think it is going to be a good time. On most of the stages, there should be a couple of different ways to shoot them. Adios, TG
  15. I understand the rifle/pistol counts.. but not the shotgun counts. Why the 2 numbers? And for the pistol/rifle.. is it 1 'A' or 'B' to neutralize.. or just an 'A'? Thanks... The reason there are min and max on the shotgun is because there are going to be several stages where you get to choose what "tool" you use. An example of this would be a plate rack or a Whirly Gig. You may be able to shoot them faster w/your sg, but then you have to reload. It is up to you, and I can tell you for sure and for certain that sometimes using the SG is going to be the best choice. 1 "A" or any 2 on paper to neutralize. We are counting the entire head as an "A". There are a couple of stages that specify what you need to do with the slugs, but for the most part it is the same as the pistol...1 "A" or 2 on paper to neutralize. Adios, TG
  16. OK folks, here is the round count! These totals are not including the 50 rounds for the sub guns. ATK has stepped up to help out with those, and MachineGunTours.com is providing the guns. Rifle - Min 218 Max 326 Pistol - Min 277 Max 453 Shotgun - Min 235 Max 333 Slug - Min 67 Max 88 Buck - 21 min Long range rifle - 10 min Total - Min 828 Max 1231.............if you don't miss!!! Adios, TG
  17. It is A LOT more!!! If you want to go fishing, you should hook up with scottmilk9. He will be doing a little fly fishing too. There is some great fishing around here. Just below the Owyhee Res. is a great place. 4.5lb fish, German Browns I think. Adios, TG
  18. I have the stages put together, and I'll send out a round count tomorrow AM if that will work. As soon as I find someone to put the stage diagrams together, I'll get those sent out too. Adios, TG
  19. I have this same problem not picking up "C" hits on virginia count stages...only thing is there is NO way to bring that back! The way I deal with this is while I am LAMR, I tell myself over and over..no extra shots..no extra shots..no extra shots. Sort of childish, but when I remember to do it, it usually works! Adios, TG
  20. I am working on this for you Cheryl Adios, TG Alright Cheryl. We came up with a plan that I think you might like. If you decide to not transport the dummy, it is only going to be a 60 second penalty. There will not be a bonus for people that carry the dummy the entire distance, so you wouldn't be out that much time. Mike and I discussed this quite a bit and we feel like this is a pretty good compromise. If you have any suggestions, we would be happy to hear them. You have made it out to this match for the last 3 or 4 years haven't you? We would hate to have you miss this year because of one little stage!! We have about 10 spots left, so let me know if you are interested. Take care. Adios, TG
  21. They are allowed. They are considered a disappearing target. If you don't shoot at them or miss it is a no penalty mike...if I am not mistaken. Adios, TG
  22. Copenhagen and Coors!! Wonderfully terrible habits that are very hard to quit! Adios, TG
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