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Everything posted by ColoradoNick

  1. Shot 22-05 this week twice, once in CO and once in LO. Kinda funny that LO percentages were lower than CO on a classifier where you had mandatory reloads! I shot them both with my CO Shadow 2 and still used DA/SA but I'll be setting one of my two Shadow 2's up with a Magwell to facilitate better reloads for an eventual switch to LO. I'm not convinced they won't introduce Major scoring, in which case I'll probably stay in CO. Either way getting my first LO classifier score which happens to be my highest classifier (82.8) with my Carry Optics gun felt good. LOL
  2. Personally I sent it to a place that didn't require Cerakote on the entire slide. Like you I think the DLC coating is superior. The only place I found is Stonebridge Gunworks. They did my Shadow 2 slide that I'm very happy with and have my DWX slide right now. Last I checked their turn around is also only 2-3 weeks.
  3. Nothing up that way that I know of which is kind of surprising. Buena Vista has a really nice range by the dump. Bunch of steel targets out to 600 yards. Pistols were not my focus the last time I was there though so not sure what they have in terms of open berms. Pueblo has a monthly match that's a good time. It will be on July 9th. Check out www.ecouspsa.com for a schedule of most stuff in the front range. If you want to go as far as Palisade, there's a great local match in Cameo as well, I believe it will be the 15th. Expect it to be HOT. It's all on PractiScore but unfortunately not super friendly to outsiders. Most match directors randomly post sign-up links a few days before the match and they're all a bit different. There's a gmail list you can get on that would give you an email update. There's a link for it on the ECOUSPSA page.
  4. Same footprint as the SRO? I have 3 SRO’s but I’d like to try a green one. Especially if they eventually come out with just a 6 or better yet 8 MOA version.
  5. Does anyone know if RMR does Fathers Day or 4th of July sales? I recently switched to their 124 MW's and need to make another order. I was going to hold out a bit to see if they usually do Holiday sales before putting in a big order.
  6. Shot the indoor match tonight and was able to shoot the classifier twice due to a no show. First attempt I shot a 75% on 22-05 “win some lose some” in Carry Optics. Second attempt i shot my Shadow 2 in limited optics for fun and shot an 82%. Next match is saturday. I need to put in some serious training time before considering the push to M. I’m going to work on overall match performance and getting better hits while trying to keep speed. Mainly grip, and vision.
  7. I was surprised too but they did not plunk test at 1.10. I’m shooting the matchwinners
  8. It seems like you're one of the only guys on here really digging into the DWX. Where are you at with it now?
  9. Had my barrel reamed to fit RMR 124's at 1.10 as well as these grips from Patriot Defense. Not sure if they'll be too aggressive or not yet... I'm waiting on the slide and a magwell now. I think the grips tie together the stock trigger shoe and EGW hammer.
  10. Original Henning base pads work with Floyd Customs magwell and the Armory Craft one. The floyds looked a little bigger to me so I have one coming.
  11. Whats the process for that? Do you raise the slide on a large pole during a storm and hope it gets hit? Post during/after photos!
  12. Also has anyone trimmed a set of normal length thin LOK grips to work with an Armory Craft magwell? Seems like it would be pretty easy?
  13. BUMP. Has anyone heard anything from Henning about a magwell yet? I see they have "magwell compatible extensions" on their website now but they're out of stock and there's no info on which magwell they fit or if they are indeed coming out with their own.
  14. I've heard that too, I'm definitely not opposed to it! It would be kind of cool to mix up speed with some long distance steel. Seems like people complain about stage design so much locally as it is I can only imagine... We're shooting 22-05 Thursday and I know there's going to be a handful of whiners already.
  15. You have some brutal stage designers if you’re seeing 50 yard shots! I think anything over 20 is SUPER rare around here. I think in the last dozen matches I’ve shot even 20 is a stretch and there’s usually a way to get within 15.
  16. this. I played with this a lot after reading about it here. My conclusion after a lot of personal testing is the people that say it matters are either shooting an open gun with an optic high over bore or are regurgitating what they’ve read. With my shadow 2 and a milled slide the difference between 5 and 20 yards is about the size of a 9mm bullet hole. Not enough to conclude it’s not variances in ammo or the gun itself.
  17. Anyone tried a Tungsten guide rode in one of these yet?
  18. These are a set of old palm swells I initially did. 36 grit from amazon. I like the 36 grit a lot but I caution you to be careful initially and find the sharp spots. Both sets I've done have required some sanding and the first draw I did I cut my hand open enough to bleed all over my gun LOL. Now that I've sanded it down in places (trigger finger area/tops of both sides) and all the edges I love them. My LOK flats look identical to this but started life as their "thin" version and picked up a bit of girth with the silicone carbide. I painted on 5 minute epoxy, sprinkled over the SC, and pressed on it with wax paper. When it dried I brushed off the loose stuff and they were good to go.
  19. Shot a match yesterday and felt a lot better. This was a sectional qualifier and I ended up 6th in CO after botching the classifier. Movement was much better this go around and my stage programming was really good. Still struggled a bit with accuracy and I think I'm just moving too fast. I need to work on some doubles at 12-15 yards. The difference in these two videos was 14A/15C/3D (14:34) below and 25A's/3C's (16:53) in the second clip The first clip I had the second fastest time in carry optics but wasn't visually patient enough. The second clip I slowed down just a hair and got the points. Slowing down just that little bit helped me call a shot on the last target that needed a makeup as well. I shot my stage program in both stages and ended up in 7th and 4th respectively in these two stages. My next match is indoors on thursday where I'm going to focus on the classifier. This classifier will be one of my two lowest after my next match so I still need a 73.9 or better to bump to A. I've been shooting a good amount of 75% or better classifiers lately and have been finishing at the top of B or lower half of A in matches overall. I would have had a much better finish in this match without missing the reload in the classifier. I was focused too much on speed, and failed to seat the mag aggressively enough.
  20. ironic, I did the same thing. Not pretty but far more effective.
  21. I understand that but I have B's higher than my F's, it's kinda confusing. Makes sense now though.
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