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People who think mass/public shootings will fix their problems.


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At this point, things seem to be domestic in nature. Looks like he killed his dad in NJ and then drove to CT to kill his mother. Personally, I would not be surprised if he was on some type of medication and had come off it.

He is listed as 20 years old. So how does a 20 year old in NJ get at least 2 handguns? Reports are now saying 4 firearms total, with one being a .223 rifle.

I can't imagine trying to be reporter and getting the story right.

From what I am hearing the mom was the teacher in the classroom he shot up. his Dad in NJ and another adult at his moms house there in the local town.

Those who know me will tell you I am not a religious type but I heard a clergyman talking on the radio and he said it's not guns etc. It's the moral degradation of our society. People are just so morally bankrupt that they do not care at all about their fellow man.

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It can't be an assault rifle. They are banned in CT!

Funny how they don't mention that in the news huh!!!

And like I said, all these recent shootings are in gun free zones. How is that possible?? Oh wait, only the law abiding sheep are not carrying guns into those places.

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My anger at this piece of human garbage scares me! How could someone do this to beautiful, innocent children. If we do not figure out a way to protect our children in school, we should be ashamed of ourselves. We must provide the training and tools (firearms) to those we entrust our children's safety to...it's sad, but thats today's society! God Bless us, we might not deserve it but we sure do need it! How can rational people not see that if a armed good person was at the scene of one of these massacres, they might not be able to save everyone, however the extent of the damage would be mitigated! Would the body count in Denver or at VA Tech been that large if a CCW holder was present? I don't know for sure, however some of those people might have had a chance instead of NO chance! I can't even bear to put the news on! I normally don't do this, but I think I am going to get numb tonight, after I hug all my kids!

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My wife and I were talking this over at dinner. Schools need to have a perimeter of some type to weed out bad guys way before they are at the front door.

Since public schools are state institutions could National Guard troops be used to man the front gate?

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His mother was a teacher, why would they not have buzzed him in? I remember sometime between high school and first after-college job, the school my mother taught at changed the big double doors at the end of each hall to only open from the inside. All visitors had to enter through the office door. I would walk in, wave to the secretary who had known me since birth, and walk to Mom's class. Just saying he was likely a known person so no one thought anything.

Now they are saying he killed his mom at home then went to the school. This kid has some serious issues, mental, emotional, pharmaceutics, whatever.

They are now reporting that all the firearms used were legal, and registered to the mother.

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The tragedy today showed the purest form of a Coward and EVIL.God Bless those families, and know that the whole nation mourns with you,it has affected all of us.As for the Coward,You have been judged and sentenced.Eternity in HELL begins today.

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Not just America and not just with guns.

Ironic isn't it, by the words of my daughter's principal today, "people like that will find a way other than guns to hurt others".....

Our Prayers to the families at a time in these holidays that should be filled with joy.

Edited by fastarget
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Yeah, conspiracies never actually happen..... That would meant that evil people actually "got together" and "planned" something! Crap, that will never happen! Evil just doesn't cooperate with evil! just some tin foil hat dudes have theories that they do...... Nothing to see here.....move along....

The roof line of WTC Building 7 fell 47 stories to the street in 6.7 seconds (at the speed of free fall). It was never hit by a plane load of diesel. Hell, that sounds real reasonable to me.

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Praying your family is safe. Small town, I am sure you are connected in some way to someone.

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Call me crazy ....... but I think it's some sort of wild agenda-driven conspiracy. :angry: Something just doesnt add up. Why would he kill his dad/mom and STILL go to her school to shoot some kids? It doesn't make any sense. And one thing I hate about most of these modern day mass killers is that they all shoot themselves before we can get their take on what happened. UGH! At lease leave a note that says "I hate my mom", or something that helps.

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I like to thank all the people that in there job place them self's in a place that they have to deal with the aftermath of stuff like this. I know some members from this forum are in that line of work.

I am sure it would tear a person up.

Thanks Brent

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Call me crazy ....... but I think it's some sort of wild agenda-driven conspiracy. :angry: Something just doesnt add up. Why would he kill his dad/mom and STILL go to her school to shoot some kids? It doesn't make any sense. And one thing I hate about most of these modern day mass killers is that they all shoot themselves before we can get their take on what happened. UGH! At lease leave a note that says "I hate my mom", or something that helps.

Mentally ill people do things that don't make sense to the rest of us. No conspiracy as no one I know no matter what political side would want to kill a classroom full of young kids. That is just sick.


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