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How often do you have shooting on your mind?


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I think about shooting-pistol, rifle and shotgun manuplitation a good part of everyday. Especially when I'm bored, almost anything is a imaginary target. How many of you go around taking mental practice shots as you go through your daily goings on? Just a fun question from a new guy.

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If I'm not doing something that requires my full attention, I'm thinking about some kind of shooting.

Same here. Shooting or parts or reloading or whatever is never far from my thoughts.

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Darned, I'm starting to feel better already. My Mother inlaw has been telling my daughter there's something wrong with your dad. He spends too much time thinking about and messing with those guns and shooting. No big deal she always has something to say about someone. It's nothing new but it's getting worse, and she's retiring at the end of the year. Look out everyone!!! :wacko:

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Every flippin waking moment! That's normal, rite?

Running a stage, weak hand reloading my shotty, reloading 5.56 on a progressive, et al...

Once the bike gets put away for the winter, I start geeking out on firearms aka "weapons systems" if you are a high-speed, low-drag operator - techniques, handling, being a gear slut, etc. Lol!

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