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well, it's been about a month since I posted, which is a good indicator of how much practicing and shooting I've been doing ....

I did get up to Angola this weekend. I shot SS. Since my caspian had been giving me fits, I decided to pull the carry gun out of the safe.

My reloads were awesome, fast and smooth. And this gun has no mag-well. So my reload practice I had been doing has paid off.

My shot calling was off.. Had two mikes I didn't call (and one I did). It was ugly from a points perspective.

A problem I'm having with the skinny gun is my weak hand getting up too high and engaging the safety. Happened on every stage at least once, and has happened the last couple of matches, too. Never had that problem with a 2011. Something I'll need to dry fire out.

It was a weird match... no movement. The turn and draw on the classifier was the most my feet moved the whole match.

I didn't feel "into" this match at all.

I'll be switching back to open for the rest of '09. Been doing some very basic handling and dryfiring the last couple of nights.

I now have nowhere to practice as the basement is a mess.... I have walls framed in and the electrical mostly done for my new gun room! But that project is taking all my time.....


ugh, 89.7% of the points. ... tons of Cs and 3 mikes will do that. 2 NS really compounds the problem...

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Man, it has been a looong time since I updated here...

two majors since my last post. one "outlaw" match, the "Michiana," and the OH section Level III. Shot Open in both.

Won HOA at the michiana and 2nd in Open at OH (Dave Cutts should have pushed me to 3rd, his gun musta broke or something). Got my first USPSA President's medal. That was cool and unexpected. 1st M got DC, I got 1st M by defacto...

My shot calling is just... awesome. Still room for improvement but it's like 3rd person now... and I'm calling them w/ uncanny accuracy. I feel SO confident around hardcover and no-shoots now.

Had planned to be done for the season after those matches but ended up shooting at Atlanta, IN last weekend... just too nice for November... very happy for not having touched my pistols in 5 weeks. One mike, transitioned too fast off a static onto a drop turner. Again, couldn't believe how my shot calling has improved overall. Some long-range targets and some very tight shots around no shoots and I had zero fear.

Shot an Appleseed event in Oct w/ a buddy. Kinda fun to lay on the ground w/ the AR all day. Shot a 20" plane-jane AR, irons, NM trigger. Got the "Rifleman" patch w/ a 230 out of 250 (210 required) on the first day. Was a 25 yd only event... wish we could have played at 300. Thinking of shooting a couple rounds of HP next year... (My NM M1A has now been on back order 13 months).

My gun room is really progressing... Recently got the ceiling, lights, and floor in, plus the safe moved into the closet. Now just have to do doors, trim, and shelving in the closet. Gotta get it done so I can get my press set back up and start cranking out ammo.

Lots to work on over winter.... but I think I'm going to take some time away until after new years. Maybe just do some reading (Enos and Saul) through Dec and over Christmas.

- I want to learn to draw the gun... I can't do a <1.4 draw to save my life in live fire. It got me to M but after shooting a 79% on 99-23 "Front Sight" last weekend I realize I HAVE to get that to ~1.0 on a wide open 7yd target if I want to even think of playing on the same court as the big boys on standards courses.

note: see http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23437

- I need to work on exiting positions. calling that last shot while already getting my [m]ass in motion. Currently either I miss the call or I'm static while making it.

- continue improving my shooting on the move. I'm leaps and bounds ahead of a year ago, but no where near where I need to be.

- need to fix my grip on the skinny gun. Currently WH rides to high and I get in the way of the thumb safety. Oddly don't have this problem on the 2011.

I think I'm going to clean the open gun good and put it away... Time to dabble in SS and get back on my production game.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Took the 20" AR for some practice Friday, 12/18, working on my position shooting, using the appleseed targets at 25 yds since that was a benchmark I already had established. Didn't break 220, which was very disapointing.

I tried moving from a point-of-aim = point-of-impact sight picture to a 6-o'clock hold. I re-zerod from prone and put a couple rounds through the same hole on a 1" square I sharpied.... but it all went down hill from there.

I felt like I chased my sight picture the whole time, and it showed in my groups.

My standing was the best it has been, only dropped a couple points over several sets. Sitting is improving for sure, but my prone just sucked compared to last time.

I'm trying to get lower, and get my support arm out to the swivel. felt more consistant but the results didn't show it. I think it's too many variables for one day to know what helped and what hurt.

I think part of the problem was I felt hurried since the wife was expecting me home at a certain time. I should have taken some time to dryfire out the changes and just shoot groups vs the timed drills.

Need to get the press set back up... 150 rounds of factory .223 hurts the wallet.

Should happen soon... I'm in the process of staining trim and doors for my gun room, so I should be ready to 'move in' soon...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Regarding my last post, a little dryfire on the AR a couple weeks ago showed that I was angled too much to the target. Getting more behind the gun when prone really steadied things out.

I pulled the Production equipment out of the closet last week for the first time in many months. I had 3 short dryfire practices last week, mainly just working on trigger control. I was hoping to incorporate some lessons from my open gun back into the beretta... to get the gun rotated a little bit counter-clockwise in the hand and more of the finger on the trigger. That really helped my trigger control on my 2011... but the beretta just has too long of a reach to the trigger. I'm back to having the gun slightly bladed in my hand with the trigger in the first joint. It's just the only way I can get the trigger straight back in both DA and SA.

I added basic classifier skills to the dryfire regiment over the weekend. Last night I decided to dust of Anderson's book and just pound through some core skills. My arm's sore today... I did a LOT of draws last night! But even after just a couple nights I feel much, much more in tune with the production gear.

My reloads are going to need a lot of work. I've identified that as something I want to improve on in '10. I should be able to shave a few thenths off my match reload times.

Overall, I'm getting psyched about getting back on the range. I always enjoy the winter/spring after having taken a few months off. The drive to get out there and burn some ammo is always much more intense.

I plan to continue with core skill drills this week and next. Once we get into Feb I plan to add match skills to the regiment.


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2010 Goals:

This year the goals are going to be much more subjective.

- Become "error free" executing stage plans.

- Break 90% in the classifier system in PD.

- Shoot 85% or better at Area 5 (assuming top GM participation)

- Get classified in SS.

- Get RO Cert.

- Become more involved in match operation

- Shoot 2 highpower matches

- Shoot 2 SC matches

The first one is my main concern. By "error free" I don't mean an occasional mike or NS or make-up on steel or sloppy reload (though those are all important). I'm referring to those little 1 or 2 second bobbles in execusion of the plan. You might call it a break in fluidity. I had several of these failures to execute at the OH match last year. 1-2 seconds on a stage on 4 or 5 stages in a match is enough to take you from first M to 10th M. I can't let a reload bobble or a make-up on steel put the plan on pause. I need to just correct and move on. Some of it means more detailed walk throughs. I need to KNOW where to be set up so I don't go hunting for targets.


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For my own future reference:

From Matt Burkett:

Timing Drills

One of the drills that I like to do most of the time and has had the most impact on my shooting ability is a timing drill. First we should have a discussion of terminology.

Timing of the gun:

I am not referring to the actual time the mechanism takes to return to battery. I am referring to learning the timing of the gun by the shooter. Since most guns return to battery in about 5 hundredths of a second, we cannot return the gun fast enough with our conscious mind. The subconscious will return the gun to point of aim by using the appropriate amount of muscle force during recoil. You will see top shooters push down on the gun if it does something it's not supposed to do, such as hitting a bad primer and not firing. This is not a flinch. A flinch occurs before and also during the firing of the gun.

You must shoot a full magazine on every string in this drill and you must not stop and restart in the middle of a magazine. Unless there is a safety issue, shoot the entire magazine at the required splits. You must have a relaxed positive stance and grip on the gun for this to work.

The major areas this drill assists are the return of the gun under recoil, calling your shots, grip control, and solidifying the stance. If you are not using a solid forward shooting stance, you will see the gun start going out of control and the sights moving differently after about 3-5 rounds. Please refer to my previous articles for more stance information or check my website at www.mattburkett.com <http://www.mattburkett.com>

You will need three targets, tape, and about 250 rounds of ammo.

The drill:

Start out with three targets 15 yards away. Load all of your magazines. First three strings are two seconds per shot. Like a metronome, have the splits be as close to two seconds as possible. Check your split times on a timer or have another shooter help you with the drill. Two seconds per shot gives you plenty of time to shoot an extremely small group.

First string, use as light of a grip as possible on first target.

Second string, medium grip on second target.

Third string, use a heavy grip on the third target.

Now unload and review your shooting.

You shouldn't have more than about a 2? group on each target. Compare where they are impacting on the target. Is there more vertical stringing or horizontal on the different groups? Which one did you feel more comfortable with? How did the gun feel with each grip? What exactly did the sights do? Did they rise straight up under recoil? Could you even see the sights under recoil? This will show you if you have a flinch. If you can't see the sights going up and down, there is a good chance you're blinking.

Figure out what grip worked best for you and use that for the rest of the drill.

Tape the targets.

String four, two seconds per shot on target 1 with your new favorite grip.

String five, one second per shot on target 2.

String six, .5 seconds per shot on target 3.

Now unload and review your shooting.

Once again we go back and look to see where our problems are showing up. What is the group dispersion on the targets? Is there a significant difference between the groups at two seconds and at .5 seconds? How much vertical error is there with the groups? What did the sights do at the different speeds? Diagnose what is happening. If you're getting a significantly upper right lift to the sights, grip a little more with your left hand and slightly less with your right hand (assuming you're right handed).

Tape the targets.

String seven, one second per shot on target one.

String eight, .5 per shot on target two.

String nine, .25 per shot on target three.

Unload and review.

How did your shooting go at this speed? Are the sights coming back naturally to the aiming point?

Critical things to remember:

The timing of the gun that you have learned is specific to that firearm and load. If you change any part or your load, rerun the timing drills because the gun itself has changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Received a Dillon 1200 case trimmer for my b-day last night. That's going to save me a lot of time and sore fingers on the rifle ammo.

I set the press back up last night in my new gun room. It's going to be a good organized set up I think. I really like my lighting; very easy to see in the cases and work/clean the press.

I need to get some practice ammo cranked out so I can shoot come spring.

For my reference, because it took me a long time to find my load data for my practice ammo...

115gr zero, 4.4gr Titegroup, oal 1.125". I found last night the ogive must be close to my 1.150" setup for the 147gr bullets. W/o touching my seat die it came to 1.105+ so I decided that was close enough.

Been doing a lot of fundamental dryfire.. draws, reloads, 2R2 drills, etc. In just a couple weeks I am ahead of my old pars which is cool. Been dryfiring 45 to 90 minutes a night. This weekend I think I'll try out Stoeger's new regiment...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Friday, 2/12... actually got to an indoor range. First time I've fired a pistol in 3 months, and the first I've fired the Beretta in almost 11 months. Took the beater gun w/ 115 grainers.

Started off the practice w/ 50 rounds through my 642. Then went on to put ~350 rounds through my 92.

Spent 150 rounds doing timing drills. At first the whole gun was lifting in recoil. I was just barely able to keep inside a 5" group (7 yds) on the 0.25s segments... The sight was really lifting more than I'm used to and I fought it a bit to get it to settle even with the rear sights. At least it was tracking nice and vertical. I think pure dryfire had gotten my grip lazy and I wasn't cranking on it as hard. ... By the end of the practice I was seeing more what I wanted to in terms of the gun staying put and just the FS lifting a bit.

Also spent a few rounds on SH/WH. Took a few rounds to get the control dialed in, and I threw a few rounds out of the A w/ an obvious flinch.

I'm hoping to get some more live-fire time in over the next couple months... I need it...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Friday 2/26:

- ordered some parts for a new AR... looking to build a 3-gun rifle. Have a White Oaks SPR barrel on the way as well as a bolt and flat top receiver. Going to have to wade through the optics options and figure out a good 69-77gr load to start with...

- went to the range to get some live fire in... only fired about 150 rounds before my gun broke.

Spent some time looking at a G34 in the shop as a result... is the time to switch getting closer?

Did some dryfire with my EliteII for the match at Bend of the River. basic stuff like draws and reloads to get used to the differences between the guns.


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Sunday 2/28: Shot production at the indoor match at Bend of the River, MI08. It was a quick match, just 3 stages (did I really spend over 3.5 hours in the car to shoot a 42-round match? nuts?).

First stage I shot really well. Won the stage in the combined results. Simple 18-rounder broken into three 3-target positions, all through ~3' high ports (seated start). I gained a big advantage now that I am confident in my shooting on the move. I popped out of the chair immediately started engaging through the first port while moving towards it (had to get relatively close to see the 3rd target). I was probably done w/ the first array before most people started pulling the trigger. I feel like the work I put into shooting on the move during last season has opened up a whole new dimension of stage break-down.

Stage 2... 99-11 (El Prez.) D'oh.

I confirmed that No, you cannot miss fast enough.

4.52 seconds, 2 mikes, earned 42 points (6A, 4C, 2M). It's the same old problem... I hurried getting to the reload. Failed to call the last shot before the reload and pulled it, and hurried the next shot after seating the mag.

Poor execution of the mag change and a mike into hardcover ruined stage 3. Simple 3 targets left and 3 right of a wall. Let myself focus on the hard cover line as I was lining up the sights instead of focusing on where I wanted the bullet to go... don't cha know my bullet went where I was looking? I called it right on the line and took the chance it snuck into brown, but it snuck a bit too far into the cover. I'll chalk that one to dusting off the match cobwebs after the winter break....


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It's the same old problem... I hurried getting to the reload. Failed to call the last shot before the reload and pulled it, and hurried the next shot after seating the mag.

this is bothering me. I've had this problem for a long time. I thought I had mostly beaten last year, at least on steel arrays. But that "last shot" has plagued me for TOO LONG.

so... how to fix it?

Any suggestions out there? (haha... like anyone reads my nonsense!)

1) Dryfire. I NEED to make sure I call those shots. I'll turn the par off and just beep to start to help with the "hurry" mentality. Maybe for a couple nights I'll put an intentional "pause" after the last shot to get used to some "visual patience" prior to reloading and/or moving.

2) Livefire. Not doing enough of this. I need to make some smoke. I need to set up some arrays and confirm w/ actual holes in cardboard that I am correctly calling these shots.

3) Trust. The time "is what it is" and it WILL be good enough. I CAN afford the time it takes to align the sights and call the shots. I have this trust on every other shot on any given stages... it's just the last shot before doing "something else" that tend to think about speed.


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try practicing with different numbers of shots on a target. we get used to shooting 2 per target, and it's easy to get lazy on the 2nd shot, especially when you want to move on to something else (like another target, or a reload). try 3 or 4 shots per target.

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try practicing with different numbers of shots on a target. we get used to shooting 2 per target, and it's easy to get lazy on the 2nd shot, especially when you want to move on to something else (like another target, or a reload). try 3 or 4 shots per target.

That's a really good point, Russel. Might help explain why I've been much better at not leaving the last steel in an array standing, yet I'm still having trouble on situations like the last shot before before the RL on El Prez... really, it seems to only be standing reloads that give me fits.

... just need to call that shot...


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I've been bad and haven't done any dryfiring all week... been catching up on brass prep. Had buckets and buckets of dirty and un-sorted brass. Seems it's been a couple years since I've done that chore. I ran out of clean 9mm brass.


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Worked on the basement most of the weekend, so between lack of time and being a little sore I didn't do much dryfire. But what dryfire I have done I've really focused on varying round counts like Russel suggested, and really focused on putting a mental pause to make sure I call the shots before and after a reload (kinda like the "mental pause" we might add before putting the mag in on a re-load.

My par times last night sucked, but I blame that on being sore from lifting drywall and building shelves. But my times the night before were awesome... I was dry-firing El-Prezs in 4.1, and that's with my "pause" to make sure I call those problem shots. I also think that's a "trick of the day," putting my focus on something else, but hey it shows potential.

Figured out what was wrong w/ the frame on my 92 that busted the barrel... just a little peaning from when the barrel luck got bent outta line. Two swipes w/ a file and it seems to function ok. Forum member shooter_rob is hooking my up w/ a new barrel/block cheap.

New WOA barrel came middle of the week... pretty quick!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot a Steel Challenge match at ACC (atlantacc.net) on Saturday. Only 4 stages, but it was a lot of fun. I haven't shot steel in a while.

My left arm has been bothering me, I guess you could call it tennis elbow, but those arm bands things aren't helpding. If I make a fist an extend my arm, pain shoots all up and down my arm. It's better today than it had been, but I think it affected my shooting just a bit. The sight seemed to lift more than usual cause I wasn't gripping as hard and when I told myself to crank down more w/ the WH, the tracking got inconsistant... I think 'cause it hurt.

So long story short, I haven't been practicing to give my arm a break. Although doing some moderate/heavy lifting working on the basement isn't helping...

Anyway: I shot by production rig, and my MkII .22 pistol (irons). .22s are fun. :) I had the best over-all score w/ my .22 and the best time from the holstered divisions w/ the beretta.

2 stages were made up, the other 2 were Speed Option and Roundabout. They shot SpdOpt old-school were you got 2 seconds off for hitting the option plate.

Speed Option:

.22: 5.85, 1.47 ave. (13.85 under new scoring, or 3.47 ave)

PD: 7.43, 1.85 ave. (15.43 under new scoring, or 3.86 ave)


.22: 11.72, 2.93 ave.

PD: 13.83, 3.46 ave.

Referencing my scores from the last time I shot those stages, (May '08), I was .69 faster on Roundabout and 2.44 faster on Speed Option.

The first shot gave me fits on Roundabout for some reason... back to practicing surrender draws I guess. Although on averaage, I'm only ~.5 slower from the holster than from low ready w/ the .22... so that's a good sign.

The weather looks good for some live-fire practice on Friday. :)


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No practice again the last couple nights... trying to let me arm recover from whatever strain or pulled muscle or whatever the hell is going on. I can make a fist now but it still hurts if I make a fist and bend my elbow. I can hold onto the gun better, but not as strong as I'd like.

Still planning on hitting the range tomorrow... I NEED some live fire time. Will take the .22 top-end...

Gun room is almost done... putting the door on this weekend, finishing staining the ammo cabinet, and the shelves are almost all up. Gonna be one sweet man cave...


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Got to do some shooting this weekend, all production. Friday I went to the range by myself to get in some practice.

Was trying to work on draws w/ my .22 top end, but wasted way too much time w/ too many light hits. I need a stronger spring for the DA to work. I think I'll just make my old busted practice gun a dedicated dryfire/22 gun since I've got a heavier springi n there.

My draws and reloads are still my weak link in standards. But I was hitting 0.9 at 10 yds pretty consistent when I left (from relaxed). I could only consistently get about 1.0 from surrender. Turn/draws were around 1.2. I also worked on reloads. Whether shot-reload-shot or as part of an el-prez, I couldn't get my reloads under ~1.3 and make hits. I really gotta hammer on these. How folks hit <1 second reloads is mind blowing. I just can't get there. Not even in dryfire (I can maybe get 1.1 in DF, but that's pushing it). But to get to the next level I have to improve the fundamentals...

I also did some accuracy shooting. At 10 yds I was able to keep all 5 rounds touching each other pretty consistently.

I got my El Prez times down to 4.5-4.7. But that was with probably 12-15 points down. But all the hits were there... consistently.

I found my shots on the center target seem to center on the right section of C-zone. I need to settle the sights on that target a little more. My goal is to get it to 4.0 by the end of the year... and I need to do it by cutting a few tenths off the draw and reload, not splits.

The good thing was that through the whole practice session, I think I only missed 1 reload, and that was a bad button press. So while I may not be cutting tenths off my times like I'd hope, I am getting much more consistent.


On to Sunday, classifier at Angola. In the rain.

Shooting was not what I hoped. I felt rushed. I hate no-squad stage hopping. Didn't get any real walkthrough time. Hurried the whole match since my Dad was there and figured he wanted to get going out of the rain.

The worst was Merle's Standards. 4 Ms. Hurried the shots. Called the mikes at least...

Did Bang and Clang in 3.6x... had to make up a steel. nothing stellar there.

Off-Ballance Blast... should have done a walk through. Took the wrong knee on the left side. Went to right knee out of habbit and had no room to lean.

Thought I shot Front Sight well. 2.6x and 2.1x strings. 2 Ds really hurt. Only gonna come in about 72%. I have to remember that I'm not shooting major any more....

3-V... hurried the whole stage. No real walk through. M/NS.

Only real good one was 03-11, El Strong & Weak Prez. I actually had to re-shoot this one because RO forgot to record times. First string on first run I hit the NS. Shot clean the second run through, and was very happy w/ hit and reloads, and my SH/WH control.

The down side is I still don't think the times were recorded right. Scores show 10.73 for both strings. w/ 108 points, that's like 170%. Considering GMs on benos-land are reporting mid-teens, <11 doesn't sound right. I've emailed the score-keeper to double check. I know I shot it quite well, but not 170%......

My left arm is getting better. I may get back in dryfire this week...


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Ryan, looks like they didn't add both strings together. Pretty good stage for cold and rainy.


That was my thought, too. I vaguely recall 5.9x on string 1, which would be reasonable. 10.73 for the reload to WH seems reasonable, too...

That would still be > 100%

If I do post my first 100% classifier, I want it to be legit... :)


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well I heard back from the score keeper on my 03-11 run. 5.20 and 5.53. w/ 108 points.

I can sorta believe it after dryfiring it out... I was dryfiring roughly 5.5x and 6.2x, but that was on an el-prez setup w/ bigger transitions (and I was in socks, no traction for the turn). I remember calling the shots perfectly and the FS tracking perfectly on that run... but regardless, don't ask me to repeat that performance on demand :P , that had to be the hairy-edge. ... and it wasn't cold, it was a re-shoot (well, it was cold and rainy, but I mean I had warmed up)

bottom line is there is GOBS of time on that stage for a clean run. No excuse to hit the NS or mike. My spreadsheet shows 20+ seconds to shoot all the points...

I was also thinking about 99-39, Off Balance Blast. Never having shot that one before I really should have taken my time to walk through and read the WSB. Seems the smart thing to do would be to take a knee WHILE DRAWING, then just shoot above and below the bar. ... I'll know next time, and knowing is half the battle! (G.I. Joe!)


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Don't get me wrong, that is one hell of a run. Wish I would have seen it. They did change out the timer in the middle of our group on that bay, as the battery was going. Doesn't much matter, either way it would have been 100%.

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After a year on backorder, my 15k WSR's from PV are on their way...

Down to about 12k FSPs, might need to see about bolstering that...

Been hitting the DF hard this week... 60-90 minutes a night. Really pushing my par times. 6-R-6 in 3.8, 2-R-2 in 2.2, prez in 4.2. Really focused on calling the last "shot" before transitions or reloads.

Tuesday was the better night, more relaxed and consitently hitting those times. Last night was tense... maybe some self-induced pressure to repeat. I could hit the times but the sight jerky/shakey. that tension in the shoulders especially kept me from hitting the RL's 100% of the time.

Been working on those first step out of a position, especially while doing a RL. More smooth, less explosive. Been experimenting with the fastest way out of a box. we read about doing the RL in the "first step," but how's that work when you're starting to move before the last shot... that "first step" can be nearly complete just after the last shot, so step 2 for the RL?

speaking of RL, really focusing on getting that WH moving. shaved off another tenth of my peak par (~1.2).

Going back to basics on draws, esp surrender. I've always sucked at them, figuring they were such a small % of time in a match, but I think I need to clean up those fundamentals to advance. Finally started hitting 0.8 w/ some consistency (~75%). (that's dropping the hammer DA, not just getting to index). Bringing the hands back a few inches (more even w/ the eyes than the brim of a ball cap) and bringing the elbows out to about 45-degrees seemed to really eliminate a lot of motion and let me bring my hands more straight down on the gun.

Intend to spend the next couple nights on more stage-focused DF to prep for the IN SS/PD match...


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My left arm really started hurting again. I could barely grip the gun last night. only about 15 minutes of dryfire, which was pretty much useless.

Doesn't give me very high hopes for the IN SS/PD match this weekend...

oh well....


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I hear ya. I haven't dryfired all week. I shot well last weekend but my tennis elbow is freaking killing me.

I'm trying to rest mine up. I figure I'll do a little DF in the morning to warm up and see how I do after the drive.

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