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CM 99-10


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Thanks... at this rate, I'll have an initial A classification... in 2006. (That was my first-ever Production classifier.)

Turns out to be only 74.4%. Better check your HHF, Jake.

Edited by Erik Warren
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  • 2 weeks later...

I shot this one this past weekend with my beat up 45 SS.

First time was Limited, I needed a reload between boxes. 6.75 sec, 56 points, my reload was squirrely, I was still finishing it as I entered the 2nd box. Looks like it's good for 87% I started in the left box, engaged targets L to R, reloaded on the way to the right box, engaged targets R to L because it just seemed faster to me (this technique was okay'd by Phil Strader who was on my squad, he's one hell of a nice guy).

Second time through was for a Lim-10 score. Used the same technique, but this time my reload was good and the string felt better than the first time. Reality bites: 6.74 seconds but 53 points because I dropped a D (I think I started leaving the left box slightly too fast). Should be good for around 82%.

I was in good spirits leaving the match because it was the first ipsic match of the year and the weather was beautiful, THEN I went home and did the match to figure out my %'s, seeing those high %'s put me on cloud 10! This classifier should push me over the top to A class in Lim-10, and simultaneously I fired my first ever Master score. Of my three goals for this season I accomplished two in the first match of the year, life is good. :D

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Shot this one today. This and the rest of the match went absolutely TERRIBLE (minus one stage).

There's really not much to explain how I shot it, probably the same as everyone here.

Production, just over 7 seconds with good hits...and a mystery mike on the second target.

It has not been a good day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah no kiddin! It's pretty sad though, I can run rings around myself if I shoot Production, but Open is a different story. About the 3rd stage of the match, I was thinking to myself how much better I would have scored shooting Production! Thank God I'm not shooting a dot at FGN 2003!

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Matt, I got 3 words for you. Bring It On! :D:D:D Funny thing is, I can load (and shoot) faster with my Glock than I can with a STI with a huge magwell........

Bring it??!?! I'm gonna pack it up, unload it, and spread it around!!!!!!!!! :P

BTW, I came to the conclusion that your classifier must have not been setup correctly. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...


That is just flat smokin'!!!

Must be nice to shoot a classifier and have to next closest in the stage at 75% of your score...in a field that includes four Masters and a GM. B)B)B)

Would I be right in assmuming that you drew to the close target and went near to far? Both arrays?

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Thanks guys. Unless the HHF has changed, that will be my first 100%. Actually its my first GM %. Times Two must just be a good classfier for me. I shot it in June last year and had a 90.181% run on it (on the first page of this thread) that was previously my highest %.

Kyle, actually I didn't shoot it near to far on both arrays. I shot it the same way I did last June, right to left on both arrays (far to near in left box, then near to far in right box).

For me, it feels like I can leave the box quicker on the easier target and for some reason I like swinging away from the direction I am moving as I am leaving the box. Does that make sense? For example, I like swinging right to left if I am going right and vice versa. Maybe this comes from shooting this way when leaving a port and which target you see last on leaving?

I made a conscious decision to enter the second box aggressively and begin shooting as soon as possible. The target on the far right is closest and feels most natural so I start there. (Imagine coming into a port and which target you see first). I shot a D on this target though because I don't think I was quite settled when I started shooting. In fact, I think my trailing foot was just hitting the ground as I was firing.

I remembered my run last year as a low 6 second run down 2 points. I knew this one (5.75 down 5) would be better but didn't think by much. I was pumped to find that my run last year was a 6.77 and that this one was that much better.

FWIW, Blake Miguez (currently #1 on GM list with 100% AVERAGE) was at the match and shot a 5.47 with a Mike. I was told he reshot it in L10 for classification purposes and did a 5.79 with 58 points for another 100%'er [edited after I got the right points and time]. I know a reload shouldn't slow you down much if any when there is movement, but those are VERY impressive times with and without a load. He is a heck of a shooter and it was great to get to go up against one of the best in the country.

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Shot this classifier over the weekend at Tangi. Time-5.79 with 58 pts in limited 10. It was a fun classifier even though my limited one sucked(damn mike), i tried shooting the last array before I stopped,lol. Good job, Bryant on that 100%er. I just discovered this forum. This is a awesome site!!!!

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Blake, good to see you here and welcome to Brian's forums. I'd liked to have been able to squad with you at Tangi. You think y'all will be making some Tangi matches regularly? on occasion? It's great to be able to shoot against someone of your ability. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you.


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Well I usually only make Tangi once a year but I'm sure if you hassle me enough on here I'll go make a few more. I would be happy to squad with you. Just tell whoever is making the squads that you want to be in my squad. I'm sure they won't mind. Do you ever shoot the East Acension Parish match in Gonzales?


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  • 4 weeks later...

L10: 7.97HF (about 80%?) (edit: 83%? Can't be right...)

Now the hard question...revolver, 5.89HF...about what was that? (except "...too darn slow," I can answer that part already :P ) (edit: using the same numbers as I used for the L10 plus 10%, seems to be 68%. Guess I'll have to wait for the official word to make sure, all this math is making Alex sleepy...)

Had a 4" tapered-barrel 625 laying around, and some nice 230 grain ball, these funny moon clip things, and said "hey, Jerry makes it look easy!" ...it isn't...



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