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Why do you shoot the division you shoot?

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Well, it's a bit of a story, but here goes.

A few years back I shot SS, but I was good for 1 -2 no-shoots per match. I could see my front sight just fine, but the target was so blurred I couldn't tell where the no-shoot and the target began and stopped. I stopped shooting for a few years and last year decided that I was going to shoot even if I had to shoot optics in Open w/o an open gun. I would take the hit of being in the wrong division with the wrong gun just to shoot.

So acting on that plan I got a M&P model #10098, it's their 5" ported CORE from the Pro Shop in 9mm. I was on my way into Open division. Sometime during this, CO was started and I decided to shoot in a division where I would be somewhat competitive. So I bought an unported barrel and I'm in CO division instead of Open.

I really didn't want to get into the rat race and expense of Open division and I wouldn't have gotten caught up in the gear aspect of Open. I just wanted to start shooting again. I'm happy in CO.

Edited by BrianKr
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Open was the thing that attracted me to uspsa. In my opinion open is the heart of the sport and the entire premise. Here are the targets, here is how you are scored, how well can it be done period? That simple.

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I started with Single Stack. Shot it a year and really learned Stage Breakdowns, reloading, and making every round count.

I really thought Limited would be the KING! (couldn't afford Open at the time) and the good shooters told me to keep shooting iron sights as long as I could until my eyes went in a couple of years.

I bought a 2011, and shot Limited for 2 years. I started getting very efficient at moving and shooting, but couldn't quite get the gun and my accuracy to keep up with me.

I purchased a 2011 Open gun about a year ago. Finally! I found the division where I could go fast and still hit targets.

I'm a firm believer that new shooters should shoot S/S, Production, L10 for at least their first year. The experience I received there was invaluable.

I also commit to a Division for 1 year at a time.

We have some 'special' matches such as Single Stack only at our local club. I have found that it takes a week or so to get back on the iron sights, but the experience I have learned has really improved my skill set on the other guns.

I'm going to stick with Open for this year at least through the Nationals. Then, I may actually go back to Single Stack for a year as we have 6-7 very competitive guys at my club shooting that Division.

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I started in Limited just because the toys are nicer. I shoot all other competitions with a red dot, because my 68 year old eyes with cataracts don't see a FO front sight well nowadays. I'm moving to Open later this season, just as soon as I shoot up all my Limited major ammo.

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I like SS right now, I like the challenge and the amount of magazines that get strewn on a stage. Was thinking about switching back to Limited for a little while. Then I picked up a G34, then another one. Then a light bulb went on. If I stick to SS/L10 and Production the only big change is between striker trigger and SA trigger. Stage breakdown more or less is the same. I tend to shoot much more accurate with the all steel SA guns than plastic, so this does come into my mind on stage breakdown if a lot of steel is involved.

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I started in steel challenge, shooting what I had--an M&P 45. Steel challenge is the gateway drug to USPSA, of course. Once I figured out what gear I needed, I started in Limited shooting a G35. I managed to wiggle my way up to B (baaaarely), before I horse traded my way into an STI Spartan 9mm. I shot a few steel matches with it & then the combat classic up in Phx. I realized I was hooked on the platform and liquidated my Glocks in favor of STIs.

Now I shoot a Trojan 40 in SS and love it. The Spartan still sits backup duty until I find another Trojan.

I just picked up a Trubor in 9mm major, and it eats factory 9 minor perfectly. I plan on shooting a few steel matches with it in minor while I get my Dillon up and running, then I'll give Open a whirl (dive head first into the wood chipper).

So my reasoning... I shoot divisions based off of the gear I enjoy shooting or manage to horse trade my way into.


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I have been shooting Production for the last year because there is meaningful competition in the division. The last club match had 36 competitors and 24 in Production. I have guns and gear for every division except Single Stack, but whats the point of shooing in a division with 4 or less competitors?

Edited by sarnburg
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Started in 1978 with a Combat Commander in 45acp. Have gear/guns for all divisions except Open, sold that gun in 1996 and regret that I did.

I like shooting Revolver, but there's just not a lot of competition. May shoot any division at any point, 1911's feel almost as good as a Revolver.

But right now I'm shooting a Glock in Production due to a comment by a fellow competitor about old revolver guys. May never beat this guy regularly, but I enjoy trying. And as a by product am actually getting to like a Glock.

I've tried to shoot with both eyes and just can't get comfortable with it, shooting CO does seem better with both eyes and doable for me but even then it definitely helps on the first shot but not on following shots. I did notice going from CO to Production my scores got better with the iron sights after practicing with the dot. The Dot highlighted glitches in my firing stroke, I worked with it until I got out of the bad habits and the Irons Sight scores went up.

So you might consider practicing more with the Open gun and less with the Limited. The triggers are the same and as long as you know what sight picture you need for a given range/target you should be good.

Just shoot what seems to be of interest to you, focusing on that division exclusively will lead to better results though.

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Longer story:

Was looking for a carry gun, read a bunch of articles, watched a bunch of vids on youtube, decided on a Tanfoglio Elite match. I wanted a 9mm because of the capacity, and cost of ammo. Turns out I wouldn't find an Elite match to save my life! My dealer said he could order one (for like $770) but all the suppliers were out of stock....no idea when I might see it. So I started looking on Gunbroker. Found a Limited Pro. Looked cooler, had better sights, and no one was bidding on this no reserve auction. I bid and won at $700!

So I get the gun, and start looking more into what Limited Pro stands for. Well, I find out it means Limited and/or ProDUCTION not proFESSIONAL LOL!
OK, what is Limited and what is Production. I find they are divisions in USPSA. Look into USPSA and see some cool vids of people shooting... WOW! THAT looks like fun! So I decided to get into the sport myself. Luckily, I already have a gun that is more than acceptable and near the top of the class. BONUS, it also is IDPA legal for SSP/ESP so I started in IDPA (as there is much more IDPA around me than USPSA). Nice thing with IDPA is it's a great way to get started. Smaller stages, less thinking.... lets you get your feet wet. I am thinking the IDPA thing for me will be going away relatively quickly (the rules are just horrible).

So I guess I did it backwards. I bought a gun for competition (by accident) then started looking for matches, instead of buying a gun to fit a division. I'm glad it all worked out in my favor.

As long as I can see the front sight, I'll be shooting production. Failing that, Carry Optics.
As for eye dominance issues, a smear of chap-stick one the upper inside corner of my left lens lets me use the left eye to see where I'm going, but blocks out the sights so the right eye can do it's job.

Short story:

I bought a gun for self defense, and found it was made for competition, so I started competing in the class it was made for.

Edited by IronArcher
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I've tried to shoot with both eyes and just can't get comfortable with it, shooting CO does seem better with both eyes and doable for me but even then it definitely helps on the first shot but not on following shots. I did notice going from CO to Production my scores got better with the iron sights after practicing with the dot. The Dot highlighted glitches in my firing stroke, I worked with it until I got out of the bad habits and the Irons Sight scores went up.

So you might consider practicing more with the Open gun and less with the Limited. The triggers are the same and as long as you know what sight picture you need for a given range/target you should be good.

I have been working with a shooting coach that says the same thing about using the dot as a training tool. I have one carry pistol, that you cant put a dot on easily, and two 2011's. I dont buy non competition related guns and I dont have any extra guns to make a CO gun. Thats why I was thinking about converting my 9mm 2011 to open but I think if I start shooting open for fun and practice I may get hooked.

Edited by CrashDodson
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Love the 1911 so have stuck with Single Stack and could very well stick with it for life. A deterioration in eyesight could drive me to Carry Optics or Open but that hasn't occurred yet.

I like to track my match performance with the gun eliminated as a variable so I feel no urge to jump around across the divisions.

It's satisfying on occasional stages to beat or finish very near behind young highly-classified Open shooters with my relatively inexpensive 8-shot .45 ACP gun, especially when the stages are not Single-Stack-friendly (e.g., no choice for the Single Stack shooter but one or more standing reloads, whereas others will not need to reload).

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I came from IDPA where I shot ESP. I shot ESP because its the most "gear intensive" class you can shoot in IDPA with regards to modifications and the types of guns you can use. When I left the IDPA world and started shooting USPSA I went straight to limited. I think I shot my ESP gun one time before buying a 2011 limited gun.

Now I cant stop looking at open guns. I like the equipment part of shooting as much as the shooting itself. Three gun is about to break me. The go-faster open division in both USPSA and three gun looks like a lot of fun while at the same time looks very expensive. I have no interest in shooting a production type gun.

I am especially interested to hear from people that shot division X and then moved to open. Did you stay there? What made you move and why do you like/dislike open vs your other division. I want to try open but am hesitant to spend the money and end up not liking the division. Locally its only older guys that shoot open. Most are shooting limited or production. I have eye dominance issues and thinking open might be "easier" for me in that regard since you dont really have a front sight to focus on (I have never shot or held an open gun). I have only shot rifles with dot's.

Do any of you shoot both open and limited? Do you find it hard to go back and forth?

I'm pretty much the complete opposite of you. I shoot production primarily and single stack occasionally for a break.

I like those divisions because I like the fact that no one is at a huge advantage / disadvantage based on gear. If your gun is reliable and it fits you, you are good to go. There is no gear advantage, just preference.

I primarily shoot production because that is where the deepest talent is locally. If that changed I'd shoot single stack more.

I enjoy the mechanical side of shooting. That's why I do my own gunsmithing and some work for friends, but when it's time to shoot I don't want to think about the gear. My goal for good gear is for it to get out of your way so you can just shoot. I don't want to notice the gun mechanically while shooting.

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Started in production in April. Thinking of jumping go open next season. Shooting a recently delivered atlas gunworks open gun locally sealed it. Want some more time on irons, but open is calling my name.

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I prefer the dreaded L10 dinosaur division. SS would be real fun, but a shoulder injury prevents me from reaching to the small of my back where the position of the mags must be set behind the hip. I like the challenge of reloading and moving but prefer the major factor of my .45 whereas in Production all is scored minor. But,,,,,,,like several here have said, it looks like CO or Open is next, my eyes are starting to get real blurry at times. I have tried Limited and Production, but its time to pay the piper and get a 2011 blaster to stay competitive.

I will start with an XDM CO gun first to see how it goes.

It would seem revolver would be fun, but literally no one shoots it around here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shoot limited in uspsa because I like the gear but I still want to shoot iron sights. I'm young so eyesight isn't an issue yet. I like to shoot idpa ssp so I can get some trigger time with my nightstand glock.

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I started with a Ruger SR9 in Production because it's what I had. After multiple problems trying to run it too hard I bought a Glock 34 and switched to Limited minor. Then I wanted to force myself to slow down and be a better shooter so I switched to Single Stack for almost a whole year. Then I bought an STI Edge to shoot Limited major with and I plan on staying here for quite a while, although an Open gun would be fun for an occasional match.

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I came from IDPA where I shot ESP. I shot ESP because its the most "gear intensive" class you can shoot in IDPA with regards to modifications and the types of guns you can use. When I left the IDPA world and started shooting USPSA I went straight to limited. I think I shot my ESP gun one time before buying a 2011 limited gun.

Now I cant stop looking at open guns. I like the equipment part of shooting as much as the shooting itself. Three gun is about to break me. The go-faster open division in both USPSA and three gun looks like a lot of fun while at the same time looks very expensive. I have no interest in shooting a production type gun.

I am especially interested to hear from people that shot division X and then moved to open. Did you stay there? What made you move and why do you like/dislike open vs your other division. I want to try open but am hesitant to spend the money and end up not liking the division. Locally its only older guys that shoot open. Most are shooting limited or production. I have eye dominance issues and thinking open might be "easier" for me in that regard since you dont really have a front sight to focus on (I have never shot or held an open gun).

I have only shot rifles with dot's.

Do any of you shoot both open and limited? Do you find it hard to go back and forth?

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I shoot open division because I have eye dominance issue as well... Tried production but couldn't help but to go back open.... Open for me is so much fun but not as easy as most people think when it comes to locating the dot and just shoot... Still requires all fundamentals to be able to shoot fast with accuracy!!!

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