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Dealing with trash talkers


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How do you guys deal with someone on your squad talking trash, not in a screwing around kind of way, but with genuine malice, trying to screw up your shooting? Like saying shit to you as you LAMR. Assuming you're stuck on a squad with them.

My current approach is to ignore them and shoot how I shoot, but sometimes I do let it affect my performance.

I've considered going full-on a_-hole mode and throwing it back x10, which would probably be fun, but it might also affect my performance.

What do you guys do?

Edited by FTDMFR
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One option is to just ignore them. Focus on what you have to do and nothing else.

With that said... being a GOF (stands for Grouchy Old Fart) and a well respected competitor in my NE FL area, who is now in the Super Senior Class and considered somewhat of an 'Elder Statesman'..... I would walk up to them and simply tell them "You need to back off a bit. Your horseshit antics are not appreciated by the squad."

If they fire up then GOF emerges in response (backed up by a number of younger... stronger... shooters)... I'm well covered if fisticuffs start. I believe that a 'squad a**hole' needs to be told they are. Peer pressure can help.

If that doesn't, then stepping forcefully onto their moon clips to bend them, or grinding they magazines into the ground to shove dirt/sand into the follower as they score their targets can be a nice touch :roflol:

The message is sent. If their behavior doesn't change, send the message again.

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How do you guys deal with someone on your squad talking trash, not in a screwing around kind of way, but with genuine malice, trying to screw up your shooting? Like saying shit to you as you LAMR. Assuming you're stuck on a squad with them.

My current approach is to ignore them and shoot how I shoot, but sometimes I do let it affect my performance.

I've considered going full-on a_-hole mode and throwing it back x10, which would probably be fun, but it might also affect my performance.

What do you guys do?

Discuss a 10.6 for the Richard craniums withthe RO/CRO/RM

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I haven't seen that yet. I get more sympathy when I shoot, than aggression.. :goof: .​ What I have seen though, are the really "competitive" people arguing a point or a PE call.

I sometimes act as backup SO on the club training matches and even on those I've had some people's head nearly blow up when I had to call a PE on them.

I never noticed it before I started helping out, but how do you handle those people that get really angry...without a baseball bat that is and without letting the match drag on while they argue?

I tried to push a local club rule that no one could argue a rule without the rulebook in their hands, but that didn't get adopted.

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Ignore them. It's not your responsibility to pay attention to them. However, it is odd behavior and someone sooner or later will sort it out for this guy. That probably shouldn't be you. Someone like GOF or Hi-Power Jack will do it. Really doesn't belong in a shooting match.

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Unless the person is the MD or RM, go find that person and ask them for assistance. I have been asked that by several shooters over the years. If I am feeling rather perky, I will ask the person politely to settle down. In one case, I gave the offender his $20 back and asked him to not return, he complied. In another case the offender did not comply, so I walked over to a county deputy who escorted him off the range.

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If this has happened more than once with different people you're probably an unlikeable person.

If it's the same guy; f*#k his mom. Take video. Share with your squad mates.

It's the same guy. It's happened a couple of times now. It started out as light-hearted shit tests, but it's morphed into deliberately trying to f*#k with my head (confirmed to me by his shooting buddies). Last time, it was at an out-of-town sanctioned match.

It's not distracting to the point where he actually beats me, but I'd say I've let it affect my overall placement.

I'm definitely going to avoid squadding with him in the future. If it happens again, I'll have some not-so-kind words with him.

Edited by FTDMFR
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If this has happened more than once with different people you're probably an unlikeable person.

If it's the same guy; f*#k his mom. Take video. Share with your squad mates.

It's the same guy. It's happened a couple of times now. It started out as light-hearted shit tests, but it's morphed into deliberately trying to f*#k with my head (confirmed to me by his shooting buddies). Last time, it was at an out-of-town sanctioned match.

It's not distracting to the point where he actually beats me, but I'd say I've let it affect my overall placement.

I'm definitely going to avoid squadding with him in the future. If it happens again, I'll have some not-so-kind words with him.

If you're letting someone shit talking you impact your performance, I'd say look at it as a favor. He's helping you improve your mental game. If he can get under your skin and affect your placement, I'd bet a bad stage or bad RO call can too. Rise above it.

Or figure out what kind of ammo he runs and put one together without powder and toss it in his ammo can. That would give you a chance to test his mental game.

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I've seen that behavior as well. You or maybe another friend needs to tell them directly to take a walk. Confrontation or moving squads may make it seem like they are the winner, as now they've really provoked a reaction out of you. Which is what he wants, he says stuff to get an effect out of you, preferably one that lowers your match performance.

Sounds like they've crossed a line from some sort of mental gamesmanship into straight up jerk territory. So have the verbal confrontation of telling them they are a jerk, this of course will feel very uncomfortable to all around, but it's the only way to resolve it if you ask me. You take control then, you do the action rather than being the on reacting.

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How do you guys deal with someone on your squad talking trash, not in a screwing around kind of way, but with genuine malice, trying to screw up your shooting? Like saying shit to you as you LAMR. Assuming you're stuck on a squad with them.

My current approach is to ignore them and shoot how I shoot, but sometimes I do let it affect my performance.

I've considered going full-on a_-hole mode and throwing it back x10, which would probably be fun, but it might also affect my performance.

What do you guys do?

It's the same guy. It's happened a couple of times now. It started out as light-hearted shit tests, but it's morphed into deliberately trying to f*#k with my head (confirmed to me by his shooting buddies). Last time, it was at an out-of-town sanctioned match.

It's not distracting to the point where he actually beats me, but I'd say I've let it affect my overall placement.

I'm definitely going to avoid squadding with him in the future. If it happens again, I'll have some not-so-kind words with him.

This sounds more like the guy has a personal issue with you rather than just being a little over-zealous trash talker. I haven't seen anything approaching this, but have seen a few folks go a little overboard with the talk. Funny that all of them have stopped coming to the matches...

If I were in your shoes, I'd follow MarkCO's advice. A short talk with the MD to let him know what is going on. MD reminds ALL competitors at the safety brief that unsportsman-like conduct of any type WILL NOT be tolerated. If it continued past that and the club or MD didn't address it directly with the offending individual, I'd find a new place to shoot. Life is too short and the shooting sports are no place to deal with school-yard BS. JMHO

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If this dude likes to talk trash but isn't actually got enough to beat anyone I would just laugh at him. Print off some past match scores and keep them in your pocket. When he starts running his mouth just look at him and laugh. Then pull out the scores and laugh harder, then show them to some other folks and laugh harder, then show them to him and laugh even harder. Before long everyone will be laughing at him and I doubt his ego will be able to handle it.

Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

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If this dude likes to talk trash but isn't actually got enough to beat anyone I would just laugh at him. Print off some past match scores and keep them in your pocket. When he starts running his mouth just look at him and laugh. Then pull out the scores and laugh harder, then show them to some other folks and laugh harder, then show them to him and laugh even harder. Before long everyone will be laughing at him and I doubt his ego will be able to handle it.

Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

I like this a LOT!

Just keep shooting your game.

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Jerks look for things that get a rise or reaction out of people and then exploit them. The best solution for this is to NOT allow their antics to affect your performance. Once you stop reacting to their antics then they will stop pestering you.

Or you can simply punch them in the face and ask them if they are done being a jackass. I am yet to use the face punching tactic in the practical shooting sports, but I have leveraged this in other hobby and social interactions. In my experience it usually only takes the donkey learning that lesson once to get the hint to cease and desist with their inappropriate behavior.

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I'd say it doesn't really impact my performance that much, but it certainly impacts my enjoyment. I'm just there to shoot, FFS.

The only reaction I've given so far is outshooting him.

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I still think a talking to by a respected shooter is a good start. If that doesn't work, said Respected Shooter should have an easy time convincing the MD that this turd needs to be 'disinvited'.

I have yet to experience a jerk like the one described. But, I have a good idea what I would do as a CSO at my IDPA club (and the MD would back me) or in USPSA where I am 'just another shooter' (but well known to the MD).

This type of behavior does come under 'Unsportsman Like Conduct' and disrupts the enjoyment of the match for other squad members.

Either knock it off or go home. There are too many other shooters that paid their match fee to enjoy the day and don't need to hear your crap.

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